Thursday, 16 July 2020

Machine Cult Pilgrims of Tor Megiddo, part 3, The Rustguard

The Rustguard are a company of unpleasant mercenaries, paid to protect the Machine Cult Pilgrims as they search the rust-wastes of Tor Megiddo for lost gods. The Pilgrims don't know it but they are a band of cutthroats and extremely untrustworthy, they will probably betray the Pilgrims at the first opportunity.


This was a really quick project - the models were assembled a few years ago as the Skinnymen, my Van Saar gang that I built and painted (and played a campaign with) before GW released Necromunda in 2017 and updated all the gangs in new plastic. They are made from Genestealer Cukts bodies with Tempestus Scion arms.

I have repurposed them for Tor Megiddo, by replacing the Space Wolf heads I used with heads from Adeptus Mechanicus Vanguard, Necromunda Cawdor and a Tempestus Scion. 

I resprayed them Mechanicus Standard Grey, drybrushed them all over with Ushabti Bone and washed them with Nuln Oil. Then I picked out a few areas for brighter colours and knocked the bright colours down again with weathering and rust.

Leader Johryck Fel
Plasma Gun Kreal Dox

Medic Ghaskin Nin
Grenade Launcher Eldrac Po

Comms Pyke Nu
Hotshot Lasgun Sheif Par

Hotshot Lasguns: Arnalt Ix, Judh Rhy and Foyle La

ArtistsEmpire on Twitter just did a paint-over of one of my Rustguard photos!


  1. I like so much these conversions!
    Keep sharing, please ;)

    1. Thanks very much Ratmaul! I will 💀🖤
