Sunday, 12 July 2020

Viva La Revulushun! - part 13, Gorkanauts

The lumpen silhouettes loomed over the smokey and darkened alleys, and half-ruined half-repaired walls, of Badlanding City as a silent threat to passers-by: The Mek that worked here was serious and skilled. If you want to be on the right end of the firepower on display hire this Mek, not the one across the way! Passing orks looked up in admiration, envy and awe. Grots scuttled by and hoped the giants didn't spot them. Rival Meks cursed them.


These two giants may not see much action in 40k games (it's not impossible but just unlikely) but I hope they will see a lot of in-action, as Mekworld scenery in our planned Grot Revulushun campaign! I like the idea of Big Meks having a Gorkanaut or two sitting around their mekyard, as a work-in-progrees project or even as advertising!

I built both the Bucket-o-Bolts and the Hunk-a-Junk in the summer of 2015. The Bucket was painted in July of that year but the Hunk was never completed. I repainted the Bucket this month to shift it from my old Blood Axe army to my new Freebooterz army. I masked the bits I wanted to keep and resprayed the rest black then zenithal grey. I dry-brushed the grey parts with Ushabti Bone and washed it with Nuln Oil. When that was dry I picked out a few panels with bright reds and yellows using Contrast paints. Then freehanded a nice big skull-and-bones on the front doors. Then to weather it, I selectively washed the entire thing with 10:1 water / Mornfang Brown.

It didn't take me long and it inspired me to complete the Hunk-a-Junk in the same style.

The Bucket-o-Bolts

The Hunk-a-Junk


I've been invited by the lovely team at JustPlayGames, in Liverpool, to join their affiliate scheme. This means you can support me a little and get your hobby supplies at a discount by using my link:


  1. I like your fiction. Of course any mek who could manage it would be tinkering on the biggest stompa he can manage. Absolutely it'd be wrapped up in pride, envy, one up manship, and advertising. I really dig when world building reveals stuff that is so perfectly fit to the setting you can't help but say...of course!

    1. Thanks Dave! That is just the kind of close look at Orky society that I want this campaign to explore.
