Turn 1, path 5
Soulmuncherz vs. Pilgrimage
Shore of Sightless Faces
Dyrnawen’s soulscryers have guided a host of Soulmuncherz to the Shore of
Sightless Faces to investigate tales of strange fish in the area. Upon
arrival, the Deepkin’s scryers have become so agitated they immediately
called for reinforcements to secure this part of the lake at all costs, and
prevent any further ships from traveling down the Thawing and further into
the lake.
Soulmuncherz vs. Pilgrimage
Shore of Sightless Faces
After two days of brutal fighting back and forth across the ice, the
Soulmuncherz and the Pilgrimage struck a bargain, which afforded the
Soulmuncherz control of the Shore of Sightless Faces and allowed the Arali
Heartsbane’s relief column to advance southward toward Nyuranka. Hogrog
canonized several heroes into da Great Saga for their proppa scrappin’, and
the Idoneth’s soul-mages have begun unraveling the shore’s secrets.
The Animosity II campaign has reached the end of Turn 1, and the Discord sever
for faction discussion and planning is very hard to keep up with; it's so busy
and enthusiastic!
The enthusiasm is infectious though and I have made some more Bonesplitterz
for the Badfangs.
Objective markers:
Boss Ersatz
The mask is made from a Killer Kan armour plate-icon and some leftover Dryad
“head/hair” branches. The backpack is from an Ogors kit. The cowl is

Bigtoof, the Bone Totem carrier.
I have added a mask made from (I think) a bit of Daemon Prince armour, the skull from the Savage Boss kit (above) and more Dryad branches. I added a Bonesplitterz shield to the Bone Totem to make it different to the mask I used for Hogrog.
I have added a mask made from (I think) a bit of Daemon Prince armour, the skull from the Savage Boss kit (above) and more Dryad branches. I added a Bonesplitterz shield to the Bone Totem to make it different to the mask I used for Hogrog.
Gugtusk, the Boarboy Maniac - the warband's
(somewhat unpredictable and not really reliable) scout.
The last (or maybe just latest?) three models for the warband together: