Sunday 19 August 2018

Endless Spells of the Harrowmark - part 2

The Burning Head

Formed from the souls of those burnt at the stake for witchcraft, the Burning Head is a blazing skull that scorches its way across the battlefield, incinerating ranks of troops and inflaming the anger of those who draw close.  The Burning Head crashes into everything in its path with terrifying force, teeth violently gnashing with white soul-fire as it leaves all behind it tangled in lashing branches and strangling barbed vines.

~ ⦽ ~

The first of my Harrowmark Endless Spells is completed. I really enjoyed painting it but I've realised I need to take a bit more care in hiding the joins when I make the next ones. I used baking soda and superglue to cover the join with texture, after I had "finished" painting it - which meant I hadn't finished painting after all. I'm happy with the results though and I'm looking forward to the next one!

I've been thinking about coming up with a few names for Burning Heads that might plague the malignant forests, names that the locals might give them after a few weeks of being tormented by one. I might make a list and roll to see which name we use at the start of each game...


  1. Nice alternate take on it. Looks more like a "Freezing Head", or maybe "Arboreal Mutation Head" than a "Burning Head". Actually, I think the imagery suggested by those names is more interesting than the original. Instead of just leaving ash, it could leave behind a trail of frozen, be-rimed statues of its victims turned to ice, or choking tangles of undergrowth, with thicker parts that look disturbingly like animals and people.

    1. I like the idea of choking tangles of undergrowth!

    2. That was the immediate impression I got from the way the spirit white of the head and ghost shifts into the Sylvaneth bits behind. Makes me wish I could draw or something to better show the imagery I get in my head from it.

  2. Amazing idea! Looks like an angry forest spirit - and I second WestRider's idea about it leaving undergrowth, possibly with living beings turned into twisted branches and roots.

    1. Angry forest spirit is exactly what I had in mind. I think that will be a recurring theme with the Endless Spells for the Harrowmark.

  3. Great work matey. I've been mulling over the idea of making some scratchbuilt endless spells for my campaign coz I can't afford the box hahha. Mother of invention and all that - thanks for the inspiration, as always.

    1. Thanks Mark! I'd love to see some kitbashed Endless Spells.
