Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge - part 8

The Geminids of Kallichore

The Cleavermaws pursued the Shadowflames through Realmgate after Realmgate and eventually found their way to the Ruins of Phos. To Mogrum's frustration the trail went cold in the hot desert sands. They retreated to a makeshift camp around an oasis to drown their sorrows. Mogrum knew they would catch up with the Mistweaver and her band soon but it was not to be this day.

After hearing talk of a pair of Geminids orbiting a stone circle near by, the Kaptain decided they would make the best of it and turn the expedition to profit. 

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The orruk pirates grumbled about the heat, about the dust, about the rationed grog, and about losing the Shadowflames. Sludga and Deadwood did their best to shut them up, while glancing sideways at the Kaptain in case he started sparking again, but it didn't do much good. They just grumbled about being beaten as well.

They all brightened at once when they saw the Geminids of Kallichore though - the opposing forces of the aether in balance: an orb of pure light and a sphere of utter darkness. The Light of Kallichore and the Shadow of Kallichore orbited each other around the monolithic stone circle.

"Ah, yeah," said Double Barrel "a noxious dark mist populated by 'llusions, and a incineratin' light dat bestows mind-destroying troofs." he nodded to himself smugly, "Obviously."

Oiler Tun nodded too but Weatherly Deg added "We have to be more careful of dat Light one here. It's the more dangerous by far, 'cause of the empowerment of da Realm." this annoyed Double Barrel no end.

Deadwood smacked them round the head with a belaying pin and herded them away from the Kaptain.

The Hunters of Gloomfen appeared out of nowhere and got to the Geminids first!

A Khinerai darted forward and used her foci to draw the Geminids away from the pirates.

The Cleavermaws charged!

The Kaptain and a few deck hands took cover in the stone circle as the Hunters drew the even further Geminids away. Arrows clattered and clashed off the stone work around them.

Deadwood and Dogwatch Fug piled into one of the Melusai. Deadwood was cut down almost immediately.

The Deluge Key took its toll on the crew and even pierced the Kaptains sorcerous defences.

A Melusai Blood Sister pounced and hacked down at Mogrum from atop a ruined pillar. Mogrum parried her Heartshard Glaive with his Waaagh! Staff and a grin.

But Mogrum destroyed her utterly: His Waaagh! Staff blasted the Melusai to shreds! Bosun Higgs only just arrived in time to witness it.

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This was "Dangerous Hunt" from White Dwarf (January 2019). The game was technically a draw as no models were killed by the Endless Spell, but we decided that  the Cleavermaws had the moral victory for killing more points than the Hunters of the Gloomfen did, even though they killed a lot more models than the pirates did. Melusai are expensive!