Friday 15 March 2019

Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge - part 7

Over Forest, Under Stone

Although the Shadowflames and the Cleavermaws travelled back from Thalia to Wortbad via different routes and means, fate would have it that they arrived there at the same time. Both crews were in need of supplies and the downtrodden village was the easiest place to acquire them.

~ 🕱 ~

Kaptain Mogrum rubbed his sore head. The sheer amount of Wild Magic that he had been exposed to over the last few weeks was starting to take its toll on him. His temper was getting worse, he had just managed to not explode any of his crew so far, but they were getting more irritating too.

"The thaumatragic build-up in the Dead Man's Chest is still just over the acceptable levels." said Oiler Tunn, just a few feet behind him.

"That last one was unstable though, we should probably increase the hexagrammatical warding. You know, just in case it causes an aesoteric cascade." said Double Barrel.

Mogrum did his best, but he could only do so much. Green energy crackled across the skin on his arms and hands,

The Shadowflames appeared around the Rose and Scythe Inn (luckily, for the Cleavermaws!) and started to collect up the supplies that Mogrum had amassed over the pass day or two.

Auric Runefather Aef-Grimnir headed straight for the eastern stack of loot and claimed it, he found an interesting trinket amongst the barrels and books.

Mogrum hurriedly searched the western loot pile - a stack of black powder barrels, but they appeared to be empty at first glance.

The Aelves and Duardin didn't seem to notice that the orruk pirates were in the town for a time. They were obviously in need of food and drink and were not their usual cautious selves.

Two Slayers closed in on the central loot pile. While the Mistweaver Saih claimed the northern loot pile, she found bundles of papers that looked interesting, and the food supplies her warband desperately needed.

The Cleavermaws made it clear that the interlopers were not welcome to share.

Dogwatch found some trinkets and a crate of rum bottles in the southern loot pile. Mogrum found a hidden panel in the bottom of a barrel: it only contained bundle of dark red cloth but he took it, as he assumed it was hidden for a reason!

The Cleavermaws charged, Double Barrel killed a Slayer. Laelanyel, the Mistweaver Saih, launched an Illusionary Assault at Snaplock Harald and killed the Ogor Leadbelcher!

Runefather Aef-Grimnir avenged his fallen kin. A thrown axe killed orruk pirate Oiler Tunn.

Mr Sludga charged the Mistweaver but she shrouded herself in shadow and mist, and his kutlass blows all sliced through nothingness! The she struck him down in reply.

Deadwood and Ledger Nud charged in to help but it was too little too late! Bosun Higgs fell and the orruks fled the town.

~ 🕱 ~

This was the Treasure Hunt Battleplan, from White Dwarf (January 2019). Fairly early on in the game we had discovered the treasure in all five objectives(!) and claimed two each, so from then on it was a matter of fighting over the contested central objective. My early successes of killing the regular Slayers gave more more confidence than I should have had in my chances. Once Viktor's "big guns" were brought to bear my orruks got whittled-down fairly rapidly, and all the more quickly when Battleshock set in.

The final tally was 3 objectives for the Shadowflames, 2 for the Cleavermaws.

Viktor's side of this tale is here.


  1. Kind of fitting that it was Bosun Higgs going down that finally triggered the Cleavermaws' retreat. 2-3 is as respectable a loss as it gets, tho.

    1. Yep, he is becoming a bit of a hero in his own right! His fall would definitely cause the others to be shaken!

      There was litterally one or two models in it at the end. It was a really close and fun game!
