Friday, 28 July 2017
Anomaly Protocol. Mutant Mechanicus - part 1
So a new Inq28 warband just sort of started: Mutant Mechanicus. They are not Chaos worshippers, and continue to do the work of an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Team but they may be hunted by Imperium forces and Chaos alike!
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
The Harrowmark Run - part 3
Field of Blood (a General's Handbook Triumph & Treachery battleplan)
The shipwreck has been located, but following the previous vicious conflict no single warband managed to get there unchallenged. Eliminate the enemy leaders and secure the crash site.
(the winner earns an extra D6 Renown)
Laurels of Victory:
Most wounds caused in a Battle Round - 2 Laurels (add 1 for second most wounds caused)
Most models with 3" of the central objective
The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
Blackspot - Orruk
Nastyface - Orruk
Bad Hook - Orruk
Walker Plank - Grot
Stormy Trug - Grot
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders - 2 Hex Wraiths
Noisy William - Deadwalker Noisemaker
Free Companies of the Gilded Hand
Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand - Battlemage on Horse
The forest floor was littered with a tangle mess of timbers from the wrecked ship and smashed trees brought down by the crash.
The Ogresuns quickly took stock of the situation. The Gilded Hand were going to try to hold the loot with weight of numbers and firepower. The Ordeshal Host were getting ready to reap a bitter harvest of anyone who stood in their way. The Orruk Pirates would need to act fast and hit hard. Luckily, they were good at that!
Karol, the Cuirassier, smashed into Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders, but neither side gets the upper hand.
The Ogresuns raced across the open ground in front of the tower, toward the scattered cargo.
The fastest Pirates threw themselves into the Freeguild lines. Kaptain Ogbad set about himself with his kutlass and quickly accrued a vicious tally of kills, far outstripping any other combatant.
The second wave of Orruk Pirates prepared themselves for the charge by having a sneaky sip of rum... or two.
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders and the Karol continue their fight...
Ogbad took a wound but he and his Boyz were able to slaughter both the Fancy Fencers and the Marksmen.
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders finally deal with Karol and make haste toward the Orruks lines.
Bad Hook was left alone with the loot. Salty Ogbad and a couple of lads whittled down the Freeguild troops but the tide was turning against the greenskin Pirates.
Lyrd Radclyffe cut down several of the Pirates, the Whyte Lady blasted Bad Hook with an Arcane Bolt and Kaptain Salty Ogbad found himself alone between the Ordeshal Host and Kalyustar, thought better of it and quit the field.
Noisey William looked out over the ruins as Kalyustar turned and rode away from the undead warband, taking victory with him!
Salty Ogbad could feel the darkness drawing closer to him and pressing down, suffocating him as he ran incautiously through the thick maze of woodland. The densely packed trees loomed high above, but remained still despite the icy breeze that continued to flow around him. The silvery moonlight was slowed to a trickle by the full branches, and Salty had to squint, only to see a path of gloom and uncertainty ahead.
After game:
Loss (+3 Renown - saved up)
Triumph: Warding Glyph (Salty Ogbad gets a 5+ save vs. Mortal Wounds for the next game. Again!)
The shipwreck has been located, but following the previous vicious conflict no single warband managed to get there unchallenged. Eliminate the enemy leaders and secure the crash site.
(the winner earns an extra D6 Renown)
Most wounds caused in a Battle Round - 2 Laurels (add 1 for second most wounds caused)
Most models with 3" of the central objective
The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
Blackspot - Orruk
Nastyface - Orruk
Bad Hook - Orruk
Walker Plank - Grot
Stormy Trug - Grot
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders - 2 Hex Wraiths
Noisy William - Deadwalker Noisemaker
Free Companies of the Gilded Hand
Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand - Battlemage on Horse
Fernando's Fancy Fencers - 5 Freeguild Swordsmen
Lucius Scopos and the Venithyan Marksmen - 4 Freeguild Crossbowmen
Karol the Cuirassier - Freeguild Pistolier Outrider
Lucius Scopos and the Venithyan Marksmen - 4 Freeguild Crossbowmen
Karol the Cuirassier - Freeguild Pistolier Outrider
The forest floor was littered with a tangle mess of timbers from the wrecked ship and smashed trees brought down by the crash.
The Ogresuns quickly took stock of the situation. The Gilded Hand were going to try to hold the loot with weight of numbers and firepower. The Ordeshal Host were getting ready to reap a bitter harvest of anyone who stood in their way. The Orruk Pirates would need to act fast and hit hard. Luckily, they were good at that!
Karol, the Cuirassier, smashed into Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders, but neither side gets the upper hand.
The Ogresuns raced across the open ground in front of the tower, toward the scattered cargo.
The fastest Pirates threw themselves into the Freeguild lines. Kaptain Ogbad set about himself with his kutlass and quickly accrued a vicious tally of kills, far outstripping any other combatant.
The second wave of Orruk Pirates prepared themselves for the charge by having a sneaky sip of rum... or two.
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders and the Karol continue their fight...
Ogbad took a wound but he and his Boyz were able to slaughter both the Fancy Fencers and the Marksmen.
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders finally deal with Karol and make haste toward the Orruks lines.
Bad Hook was left alone with the loot. Salty Ogbad and a couple of lads whittled down the Freeguild troops but the tide was turning against the greenskin Pirates.
Lyrd Radclyffe cut down several of the Pirates, the Whyte Lady blasted Bad Hook with an Arcane Bolt and Kaptain Salty Ogbad found himself alone between the Ordeshal Host and Kalyustar, thought better of it and quit the field.
Noisey William looked out over the ruins as Kalyustar turned and rode away from the undead warband, taking victory with him!
Salty Ogbad could feel the darkness drawing closer to him and pressing down, suffocating him as he ran incautiously through the thick maze of woodland. The densely packed trees loomed high above, but remained still despite the icy breeze that continued to flow around him. The silvery moonlight was slowed to a trickle by the full branches, and Salty had to squint, only to see a path of gloom and uncertainty ahead.
After game:
Loss (+3 Renown - saved up)
Triumph: Warding Glyph (Salty Ogbad gets a 5+ save vs. Mortal Wounds for the next game. Again!)
Monday, 24 July 2017
Tor Megiddo - part 6
Another Techno Barbarian desert dwelling mutant for The Slipgibbets is in the works...
Absent - there is nothing this mutant likes more than clinging to the side of a speeding vehicle as it races across the deserts of Tor Megiddo.
Bits list: Genestealer Neophyte (right arm with Autogun, torso and lower half of head), Marauder cavalry upper half of head, Chaos Cultist legs, Skaven Plague Priest left arm with knife, Mordheim Mercenaries pouch.
Absent - there is nothing this mutant likes more than clinging to the side of a speeding vehicle as it races across the deserts of Tor Megiddo.
Bits list: Genestealer Neophyte (right arm with Autogun, torso and lower half of head), Marauder cavalry upper half of head, Chaos Cultist legs, Skaven Plague Priest left arm with knife, Mordheim Mercenaries pouch.
Inquisitor Halman Druukan - WIP
Inquisitor Halman Druukan, Ordo Hereticus. All the years of purging heretics have taken their toll on him...
There is still a lot to do (for example, I need to change the pistol a bit while keeping the "arcane" look of it, and I may try to replace the scroll and holstered pistol with a big book. I may also remove the "repair" in his hood and I will definitely fix the gaps in his cloak) but I'm pleased with the overall look & feel so far.
Inquisitor Druukan will eventually lead a small but VERY tough warband - I have just got hold of some Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence sprues! He will also get some HHH (Humble Human Henchmen!) mainly so he can be used in a range of game sizes.
Edit: I have replaced the scroll and holstered pistol with a big book of sermons:
There is still a lot to do (for example, I need to change the pistol a bit while keeping the "arcane" look of it, and I may try to replace the scroll and holstered pistol with a big book. I may also remove the "repair" in his hood and I will definitely fix the gaps in his cloak) but I'm pleased with the overall look & feel so far.
Inquisitor Druukan will eventually lead a small but VERY tough warband - I have just got hold of some Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence sprues! He will also get some HHH (Humble Human Henchmen!) mainly so he can be used in a range of game sizes.
Edit: I have replaced the scroll and holstered pistol with a big book of sermons:
Thursday, 20 July 2017
The Harrowmark Run - part 2
Lost in the Dark Woods! (Breakthrough battleplan from Age of Sigmar)
The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
Blackspot - Orruk
Nastyface - Orruk
Stormy Trug - Grot
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders - 2 Hex Wraiths
Noisy William - Deadwalker Noisemaker
The forest was dark and foreboding, there was malice in its sullen ambiance. Dredger Zug’s eyes flickered over the thick, dark trunks of the trees that rose steadily into the sky, branches interlocking with their neighbours overhead. The trees were densely packed together, leaving only just enough space to allow someone to move through. He pressed his palm against rough bark and breathed deeply, trying to catch his breath, almost overwhelmed by the stink of the forest. The musty smells of fallen leaves, of graveyard-soil packed down by scurrying creatures, of once-living things in different stages of decay and rot: the stench of death. The forest was choked by it. After a moment he started running again when the sound of the Ogresuns nearby, crashing through the undergrowth, told him that the others had caught up with him.
The Realmgate burst into life and it's sorcerous fires engulfed the Whyte Lady for a long moment as she let out a soul-chilling scream and seemed to contort in rage. The Realmgate's power subsided and it looked like the Soulblight Vampire survived through the sheer force of her anger!
The Orruks split into two groups - Ogbad and Dubloon Dreg cut left to go round the Realmgate while the rest followed first mate Dredger Zug toward the Occulum.
Salty Ogbad and the Whyte Lady clashed and the Orruk Kaptain wounded her!
Lyrd Radclyffe swept through Nastyface and cut down the unfortunate Orruk where he stood.
The Whyte Lady cut down Ogbad in a heartbeat; her spirit-possessed blade drank deep and the Orruk dropped like a stone.
With so many of the pirate Orruks cut down in just a few moments, most significantly the Kap'n, the remaining three Ogresuns turned and fled back the way they came, into the woods. They scrambled through the trees, stumbling over roots, cold autumn ground underfoot, charcoal clouds chased them from above. The howling screams of the Nighthaunts ringing in their ears...
After game:
Loss: (+3 Renown) = Bad Hook (Orruk) and Walker Plank (Grot) added to the Warband.
Triumph: Warding Glyph (Salty Ogbad gets a 5+ save vs. Mortal Wounds for the next game.)
The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
Blackspot - Orruk
Nastyface - Orruk
Stormy Trug - Grot
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Lyrd Radclyffe's Riders - 2 Hex Wraiths
Noisy William - Deadwalker Noisemaker
The forest was dark and foreboding, there was malice in its sullen ambiance. Dredger Zug’s eyes flickered over the thick, dark trunks of the trees that rose steadily into the sky, branches interlocking with their neighbours overhead. The trees were densely packed together, leaving only just enough space to allow someone to move through. He pressed his palm against rough bark and breathed deeply, trying to catch his breath, almost overwhelmed by the stink of the forest. The musty smells of fallen leaves, of graveyard-soil packed down by scurrying creatures, of once-living things in different stages of decay and rot: the stench of death. The forest was choked by it. After a moment he started running again when the sound of the Ogresuns nearby, crashing through the undergrowth, told him that the others had caught up with him.
After they passed a rocky hill, the Ogresuns burst into a clearing illuminated by the roiling energies of a Baleful Realmgate. The Orruk Pirates slowed their pace as Kaptain Salty Ogbad held up a warning hand. He had spotted the spirits of the Ordeshal Host - either the Nighthaunts had somehow overtaken them... or the Orruks were even more lost than they thought!
Either way the Dead were trying to cut off their route back to the sky-cutter! Kaptain Ogbad shouted "On my Ladz, run! Make for da Charybdis Occulum!" and the Orruk Pirates started storming forward.
The Realmgate burst into life and it's sorcerous fires engulfed the Whyte Lady for a long moment as she let out a soul-chilling scream and seemed to contort in rage. The Realmgate's power subsided and it looked like the Soulblight Vampire survived through the sheer force of her anger!
The Orruks split into two groups - Ogbad and Dubloon Dreg cut left to go round the Realmgate while the rest followed first mate Dredger Zug toward the Occulum.
Salty Ogbad and the Whyte Lady clashed and the Orruk Kaptain wounded her!
Lyrd Radclyffe swept through Nastyface and cut down the unfortunate Orruk where he stood.
The Whyte Lady cut down Ogbad in a heartbeat; her spirit-possessed blade drank deep and the Orruk dropped like a stone.
With so many of the pirate Orruks cut down in just a few moments, most significantly the Kap'n, the remaining three Ogresuns turned and fled back the way they came, into the woods. They scrambled through the trees, stumbling over roots, cold autumn ground underfoot, charcoal clouds chased them from above. The howling screams of the Nighthaunts ringing in their ears...
After game:
Loss: (+3 Renown) = Bad Hook (Orruk) and Walker Plank (Grot) added to the Warband.
Triumph: Warding Glyph (Salty Ogbad gets a 5+ save vs. Mortal Wounds for the next game.)
Thursday, 13 July 2017
The Harrowmark Run - part 1
(You can read about the campaign mechanics and intro here: Part 0)

The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Free Companies of the Gilded Hand
Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand
Fetch jumped at every sound as the Ogresuns made there way through the trees towards the dark tower.
The Freeguild spread out to control the ground, undaunted by the spirits and the Orruk pirates.
Lyrd Radclyffe turned his ethereal steed and galloped straight through Dubloon Dreg but the Orruk kept his head!
The ghost rider cut Fetch down without missing a step!
The Whyte Lady sent an Arcane Bolt at Fernando, the leader of the Freeguild Fancy Fencers, and laid he out, then charged Kalyustar the Alchemist.
The Freeguild bannerman took up a commanding position on the Hurricane Bell's platform.
While one of the Fancy Fencers occupied the Freebooter's Tower.
The Venithyan Marksmen went to aid Kalyustar in his fight with the Whyte Lady.
Dubloon Dreg charged Noisy William in the forest (taking his life into his hands to enter such a tangled thicket!).
But after he survived the charge it was sheer bad luck that the Deadwalker managed to land a fatal blow on the Orruk pirate!
Kaptain Ogbad chased after Lyrd Radclyffe, and the two exchanged some wickedly accurate bladework!
Dredger Zug charged up the hill to fight a lone Freeguilder but he was counter-charged by his two mates!
Lyrd Radclyffe retreated but Salty wasn't going to let him go!
The Whyte Lady blasted down one of the Fancy Fencers, unintentionally aiding Dredger!
Kaptain Ogbad caught up with the Hex Wraith...

The Ogresuns
Kaptain Salty Ogbad - Orruk Warboss
Dredger Zug - Orruk Boss
Dubloon Dreg - Orruk
Fetch - Orruk
The Ordeshal Host
The Whyte Lady - Vampire Lord
Lyrd Radclyffe - Hex Wraith
Kalyustar of the Gilded Hand
Fernando's Fancy Fencers
Lucius Scopos and the Venithyan Marksmen
Might is Right (a General's Handbook Triumph & Treachery battleplan)
The centre of the board was divided into seven sectors, one in the centre and six around it - the winner would be the warband that controlled the most sectors when the game ended.
Kaptain Ogbad and a few hands set out for Gloomfallow in the skycutter. They set-down in dense woodland on the edge of Blackrocks an hour before sunrise. The blackness nurtured a sense of claustrophobia inside them even though the woodland stretched unbroken for miles. The narrow path, which was made uneven by the knotted roots that crossed it, branched at intervals. The bare branches spiked into the sky - no sign of life to be found anywhere. It was so dark the orruks were barely able to see where they were going. They had no map to follow, but even if they did the perpetual dark would have prevented them from using it. There were only small sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind. They didn't know what lay in the dark forest, all they knew was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful journey.
As they emerged from the twisted trees onto a rocky hilltop a tower loomed over them in the pre-dawn light. As the dim autumn sun crept over the trees they found that they were not alone: A large band of Freeguilders were already searching the open ground beyond the tower. As one of the Freeguild spotted them and shouted a warning, the malignant spirits of the forest awoke: The outriders of the Ordeshal Host arrived!
Lucius Scopos and the Venithyan Marksmen
Might is Right (a General's Handbook Triumph & Treachery battleplan)
The centre of the board was divided into seven sectors, one in the centre and six around it - the winner would be the warband that controlled the most sectors when the game ended.
Kaptain Ogbad and a few hands set out for Gloomfallow in the skycutter. They set-down in dense woodland on the edge of Blackrocks an hour before sunrise. The blackness nurtured a sense of claustrophobia inside them even though the woodland stretched unbroken for miles. The narrow path, which was made uneven by the knotted roots that crossed it, branched at intervals. The bare branches spiked into the sky - no sign of life to be found anywhere. It was so dark the orruks were barely able to see where they were going. They had no map to follow, but even if they did the perpetual dark would have prevented them from using it. There were only small sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind. They didn't know what lay in the dark forest, all they knew was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful journey.
As they emerged from the twisted trees onto a rocky hilltop a tower loomed over them in the pre-dawn light. As the dim autumn sun crept over the trees they found that they were not alone: A large band of Freeguilders were already searching the open ground beyond the tower. As one of the Freeguild spotted them and shouted a warning, the malignant spirits of the forest awoke: The outriders of the Ordeshal Host arrived!
Fetch jumped at every sound as the Ogresuns made there way through the trees towards the dark tower.
The Freeguild spread out to control the ground, undaunted by the spirits and the Orruk pirates.
Lyrd Radclyffe turned his ethereal steed and galloped straight through Dubloon Dreg but the Orruk kept his head!
The ghost rider cut Fetch down without missing a step!
The Whyte Lady sent an Arcane Bolt at Fernando, the leader of the Freeguild Fancy Fencers, and laid he out, then charged Kalyustar the Alchemist.
The Freeguild bannerman took up a commanding position on the Hurricane Bell's platform.
While one of the Fancy Fencers occupied the Freebooter's Tower.
The Venithyan Marksmen went to aid Kalyustar in his fight with the Whyte Lady.
Dubloon Dreg charged Noisy William in the forest (taking his life into his hands to enter such a tangled thicket!).
But after he survived the charge it was sheer bad luck that the Deadwalker managed to land a fatal blow on the Orruk pirate!
Kaptain Ogbad chased after Lyrd Radclyffe, and the two exchanged some wickedly accurate bladework!
Dredger Zug charged up the hill to fight a lone Freeguilder but he was counter-charged by his two mates!
Lyrd Radclyffe retreated but Salty wasn't going to let him go!
The Whyte Lady blasted down one of the Fancy Fencers, unintentionally aiding Dredger!
Kaptain Ogbad caught up with the Hex Wraith...
... And dealt him a final slash with his kutlass.
The Whyte Lady killed the Freeguild bannerman with sorcery and Dredger Zug fell to Freeguild swords.
The game ended with the Ordeshal Host in control of two of the seven objectives and only one objective in the control of each of the Ogresuns and the Free Companies of the Gilded Hand.
After game:
1 Renown saved from start of campaign
Loss (+3 renown)
Triumph: Heroic Saga (+1 Renown)
= 5 Renown to spend.
Added 2 Orruks (Blackspot and Nastyface) and 1 Grot (Stormy Trug)
After game:
1 Renown saved from start of campaign
Loss (+3 renown)
Triumph: Heroic Saga (+1 Renown)
= 5 Renown to spend.
Added 2 Orruks (Blackspot and Nastyface) and 1 Grot (Stormy Trug)
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