Monday, 24 August 2020

The Badfangs - Bonesplitterz of Aqshy, part 13. Animosity II

The Beast

In the hills overlooking Dreadfleet Harbour, Urgog, Ersatz and the Badfangs searched for some kind of great flying monster. The warband planned to get to the ur-whale and as it was flying away from the lake they needed to be airborne too.

They'd heard a rumour that a band of Pilgrims had a winged creature and they planned to take it from them and ride it to the ur-whale's back, then attack the corpse of the world-spirit on foot, atop its back.

They moved silently through the darkness, they were experienced and stealthy hunters of great beasts.

Urgog barely needed to say a word to them, they all knew their roles in tracking down and cornering their prey.

Gloomston the Pardoner and a band of Pilgrims were gathered in the courtyard of a ruined chapel. Gloomston at their centre, hissing and gurgling at his flock, who all nodded and growled at each other.

Gloomston saw the Badfangs at the moment they snapped-shut the jaws of their trap; soon enough to warn his followers, but too late to give him time to flee.

The filthy Pardoner stood his ground, not wanting his disgusting band to be slaughtered by the Bonesplitterz.

Howling in a Gorkamorka-addled rage, Urgog charged straight at him! Ersatz was just behind him.

Gloomston ushered his followers forward, who threw themselves at the Bonesplitterz.

Boss Ersatz hacked through the crowds of Crypt Ghouls.

Suddenly Urgog and Ersatz found themselves surrounded, cut-off from the rest of their warband! More and more Crypt Ghouls poured out of the caverns and caves...

But then... the squigs came!


But the flying beast wasn't exactly what they were expecting...

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