Saturday 1 August 2020

The Badfangs - Bonesplitterz of Aqshy, part 8. Animosity II

I've finished 3 more Bonesplitterz for the Badfangs and three Bonesplitterz objective markers.

This is the whole warband so far:

Boss Ersatz' mask is made to look how the Badfangs’ imagine the ur-whale. He is not the warband leader (Wardokk Urgog takes that role most of the time) but his is a big percentage of their combat power!
The mask is made from a Killer Kan armour plate-icon and some leftover Dryad “head/hair” branches. The backpack is from an Ogors kit. The cowl is greenstuff.

Bigtoof, the Bone Totem carrier.
I have added a mask made from (I think) a bit of Daemon Prince armour, the skull from the Savage Boss kit (above) and more Dryad branches. I added a Bonesplitterz shield to the Bone Totem to make it different to the mask I used for Hogrog.

Gugtusk, the Boarboy Maniac - the warband's (somewhat unpredictable and not really reliable) scout.

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