Friday 7 August 2020

The Badfangs - Bonesplitterz of Aqshy, part 11. Animosity II

The Bad Sun

Wardokk Urgog and Boss Ersatz sat on the frozen surface of Lake Bykaal, the purple-tinted moonlight gave them a strange hue but their godbeast-styled masks made them look stranger.

They chatted in low voices and passed a goatskin of fungus brew back and forth (it had been "donated" by a band of Moonclan grots they had crossed paths with a day or so before).

Ersatz was mid sentence when Urgog cut him off with an urgent gesture. The Wardokk inclined his head and listened carefully.

Then he jumped to his feet and said "Geddup, the ice is creakin'!"

The burley orruk Boss moved surprisingly fast for his size, clawed fingers and toes scrambled on the ice, then the two of them stood still and listened again before Urgog set off into the darkness at full sprint. Ersatz did his best to keep up, not quite understanding if they were running toward or away from something, but trusting the Wardokk knew what he was doing.

An eerie blue-white light appeared under the ice behind them and Ersatz speeded up a little.

The Bad Sun of Orkkuh!


When they got close to the shore they found the rest of the Badfangs cheering and shouting at them.
The noise attracted another warband that was patrolling the area.
They were Realmgate Wardens from a Free City. They were led by Elatine Jast, a witch hunter from Hammerhal.
Urgog watched as the Wardens started to spread out.
They were cautious and professional.
But the Badfangs were cunning.
The sickly purple moonlight cast deep shadows and the Badfangs made full use of them. 
Suddenly a blazing light burst through the trees in the west and the orruks pounced.
The Wardens fought harder than Zogfang expected and it took him longer than it should have done to bring down the soldier he attacked. 
Azgrok had to wade in, to help him. Much to Zogfang's annoyance. 

The Badfangs lost the element of surprise. Jast started shouting orders. 
Ersatz took that as his cue and barrelled into her.
Anderton Fenn, Jast's second, leapt to intercept the massive orruk.
But Wardokk Urgog stepped out of the shadows and the Wardens were broken.

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