Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Viva La Revulushun! - part 4

In the dark corners of an Ork-held Space Hulk, revulushun spreads. More grots flock to hear Da Red Gobbo speak. The secret meetings become harder to hide from their Ork oppressors!


6 more Rebel Grots ready to join the Red Gobbo's Revulushun! Here are Bulletz, Statik, Bokz, Dok, Husk and Piggy. I have just acquired the parts I needed to make another 5 Rebel Grots, including Leader and Scout Specialists for Kill Team.


  1. I so love them! The Komms and Demolishun 'specialists' are just brilliant!

    1. Thanks Viktor!
      While it's a shame Gretchin can't get Demo and Comms Specialists in the rules, I honestly really don't mind that much - they are so much fun!
