Wednesday, 29 May 2019

The Graveroot Wargrove, Part 9

Fog had rolled through the forests for days and enveloped the Harrowmark in muffled silence. But the silence was broken as the fog lifted by haunting, susurrating voices which hissed threats in an unknowable tongue.

Something moved in the dark beneath the trees. Madness churned in their eyes and the very shadows twisted unnaturally. The things prowled forward slowly in staccato, jolting movements, without the graceful fluid motion of their kin.

As they charged from the tree line they screamed a nerve-tearing cacophony of terror and hate. Graveroot Spite-Revenants were a dark reflection of the other tree-folk, from Soul-Pods that grew in tainted, corrupted soil, found in the wild place of the Harrowmark that had been twisted by death and malice and hate. They were rightly feared for the cruel delight they took in granting their prey slow, lingering deaths.  

A small band of Tree-Revenants looked on from the shadows beneath the leafless branches, and worried that their bitterness and hate was contagious.

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I have finished painting the 3 Spite-Revenants. I don't like them as much as the animal-skulled Tree-Revenants but I am still happy with them. I think they look suitably disturbing!

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Solanix (the Shadestalker)



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I have also individually based a few of the spare Spites from the Kurnoth Hunters kit - I'm not sure what (if anything) I will do with them in rules terms, but I just liked the idea of having a few of them running around in the background, even if they have no in-game effect.

I've painted one as well, just to see how it looks.

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The whole Graveroot Wargrove so far (with a couple of Endless Spells for atmosphere)...

The Wargrove grows...

I only have 5 Tree-Revenants and a Kurnoth Hunter left to build and my Sylvaneth Skirmish warband will be (for now at least) finished!


  1. Nice work bro! Love the narrative too!

  2. Looking very cool! As you might expect, my favourite parts are the individually based Spites, but the Spite-Revanants are cool, too. I think the single beast skulls on the others give them a bit more of a focus point, but the multiple skulls here have their own creepiness factor.

    1. Thanks WestRider!
      Haha - I knew someone would like them more than any other part ;)
