Wednesday 23 January 2019

The Mushloonz - part 4 - Gobbapalooza!

Deep in the Dankwood, hidden amongst tangled briars and mushroom groves, is the shantytown lurklair of the Mushloonz. A higgledy-piggledy mess of tumbled-down structures made from looted materials, local stone and gnarled timbers from the trees of the Harrowmark forests. It would be barely distinguishable from the worst areas of the forest itself, apart from the massive number of grots and troggs wandering around it.

Like most Moonclan leaders, Bolet Ghosteater has a Gobbapalooza rambling around his lurklair causing mischief. A gathering of so-called wise-grots, petty shamans and gabbling loonpriests, a coven of grots who offer no end of cunning tactical tricks. The Gobbapalooza takes it upon themselves to counsel their boss whether he wants their advice or not.

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Oggle The Boggleye stares deep into the souls of all those around him, chanting hypnotic mantras and revolving his pupils in an unlikely and hypnotic fashion.

Xorg The Spiker scuttles about with a basket of clinking poison-bottles lashed to his back.

Badtryp The Shroomancer experiences such vivid fungus-brew hallucinations that his magics spill out to animate the fungi around him and bring his visions to life.

Gnark The Scaremonger capers and hoots from behind his terrifying Glareface Frazzlegit mask, carried aloft on most of a Squig skeleton by his slave Snark.

Wychwud the Brewgit shuffles around with weird fungus potions bubbling in his loonshine still, selling his product to eager customers.

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This is such a great kit! It goes together really really well. I built all of them in less than an hour and I wasn't rushing.

I'm hoping to start painting at least one of them this week.


  1. I am not even the littlest surprised these have appeared on your blog ;0)

    1. Happy to be so predictable! =D
      I have to say I'm pretty much lost to the Gloomspite these days!

  2. Excellent! I always like when new releases like this start showing up on the blogosphere, because GW's photography never seems to do a very good job of actually conveying what the Models are like. These give me a way better feel for them than any of the official shots do. I really look forward to seeing how they come out with some paint on them!

    Also, Badtryp's name reminds me of Getafix, the druid from the Asterix and Obelix books ;)

    1. Yeah, I kniw exactly what you mean. Sometimes the Eavy Metal paint jobs actually make it harder to "read" a model.

      I'm happy with that parallel!
