Monday 15 March 2021

Burlok Damminsson and the Reckless Endrineers, part 2

The Reckless Endrineers:

An Arkanaut Captain, 5 Thunderers with Aethershot Rifles, and an Endrinrigger with an Aethermatic Volley Gun is just under 1000 points in Warcry.

For the Thunderers I used Space Wolf heads instead of the masked helmets. The neck joints needed more work than I'd hoped but I think they match the look of the helmetless Kharadron in the Battletome art quite nicely. after a lot of indecision I settled on using the same colour scheme as my Realmgate Wardens (which is pretty much the standard Hammerhal Aqsha uniform of dark blue and gold). I don't plan for the two forces to grown into an army but you never know...

The next two models for the warband are finished, and along the way I updated Burlok Damminson to match their colours a bit more closely. I also changed his collar to red because I liked the extra colour on Dagnai Holdenstock, the Cursed City Kharadron adventurer.

Update (2021-03-18) 

Three more Thunderers finished! I think I'm going to leave the Endrinriggers for now and paint some more scenery. I'll come back to the dorfs later.

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