The 33rd Parsnip Old Guard
A horrible world of rain, mud, starvation, warfare, and hideous root vegetables. Where the technology level is about the same as Europe in 1812, but with more armour and less horses or artillery.
Turnip28 is a strange and wonderful new sub-genre of the hobby; dark fantasy
Napoleonic wargaming with a horrible root vegetable theme. It was created by
Max FitzGerald (who can be found on Twitter, Instagram,
Facebook and
Patreon) as a way to play
Napoleonic games without getting bogged down in historical details, but it was
grown into a community project with a life of its own! It seems to be a very loose, but really original, setting with art and miniatures springing up all over the place, and probably table-top rules at some point.
There aren't any rules for the game yet though - and to be honest I might just make some custom Warscrolls and use AoS Skirmish rules, as I'm not sure I want any more detail than that! I want there to be a lot of running about, a bit of ineffective shooting, some melee that is more like pushing and shoving and then a lot of running away. If I use Moonclan Grots Warscrolls as the "elite" troops and strip back the rest from there I think it might be about the right level. Then I just need to come up with a way to add special actions or abilities to vary the games a bit - a small deck of ability cards might do it!
Edit: There are now Turnip28 rules! There is a free PDF on Max's Patreon. It is also beautifully illustrated!
This is some of Max's art for the project, and the thing that really captured my
imagination. My drawing (at the top of this post) is my third or fourth attempt
at a Napoleonic infantryman with an anachronistic sallet helmet. The first few
tries are not worth sharing but I'm pleased with this one.
This is the first WIP batch of the 33rd. They are made from Victrix French Old
Guard Chasseurs, with Perry Miniatures mercenary foot knights heads. Plus a Games
Workshop Flagellant with a Greatswords head and Victrix arms.
They all have static grass flock and texture paint daubed on their packs and
shoulders and a small parts of cut-up Poxwalkers as hideous root vegetables on
their bases.