Wednesday 5 June 2019

The Mushloonz - part 14 - The Shroomers

"Oooh! Wat about dis 'un? Or dis 'un? Oh, dis 'un looks gud! Ohh...." Gank capered from one clump of mushrooms to the next, getting more and more excited as he went.

"No. Not dose ones. No. Not dat one neither...." said Index, the boss, as he flicked back and forth through a very grubby and dogeared old book of woodland fungus of the Harrowmark. In the distance the sounds of Nibz laughing drifted through the trees.

"Oh dis 'un?" said Gank.
Flick, flick, flick.
"Nope." said Index.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" said Gank.

"I wish day'ed all shut their traps. Just for a minute." grumbled Stoga quietly. Raff, who was sat next to him a a rock, just nodded.

The laughter echoing from somewhere beyond the tree line came a bit closer, then recided again.

"Idiots, the lot of 'em." said Stoga with a scowl.

"Dese?" said Gank, holding up a wide, red and white mushroom.

Index flipped back a few pages and frowned at the book for a few moments.

"Yes!" he said triumphantly.

Gank squealed and started plucking red-capped mushrooms and throwing them into a bag. Index snapped his precious book shut and started herding the rest of his small mob into action.

"Roight ya lazy zoggers. We've found 'em. Get 'em gathered up so we can go!"

Reluctantly Stoga and Raff stood up and joined Gank. The three of them and Index harvested as many red-caps as they could carry. In the distance Nibz laughed and hooted through the forests. Stoga gritted his teeth.

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I painted five more Gloomspite Gitz last night. I actually think the simplicity of the conversions has made them my favourites so far. They are a mix of regular Moonclan Grots and Squig Hopper rider parts. I think Index's book is from an old High Elf model but I'm not sure. I got it in a batch of spares from a friend a few years ago!

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Index - the boss
He stole a book about mushrooms from a house in Wortbad. He can't read it but Bolet has marked the drawings of the mushrooms he wants them to collect.

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The new Gitz.

Detail of Index's book. I tried to reproduce a couple of pages I found on a google search for old mushroom reference books.


  1. Nice! Always great to see more gobbos. They never fail to be fun and characterful. I do kinda feel like Stoga should have a cigar tho, with a name like that. Index just idek he's so perfect with his backstory and all I can't even deal with it. I don't think I want to know what Dibz is doing with that mushroom, tho ;)

    1. Thank you WestRider! The names came after they were painted but now you say it a cigar would be awesome!
      The same with Index - the name and backstory evolved from the model as I was painting him. I loved the idea of a grot referencing a book but I started thinking: Where did the book come from, and what is it about? Why is he lugging it about?

      Nibz is just running about, living the good Loonz life, he doesn't even know the mushroom is there....

  2. I love them, but what's not to love about a little gang of mischievous Gobbos eh?
    Really love the detail on the pages of the mushroom guidebook.
    Coincidentally I'm backing a mushroom guidebook on kickstarter right now. It's an RPG supplement called:

    Fungi of the Far Realms - a fictional fungal field guide
    An illustrated encyclopedia of fictional mushrooms

    Got really excited when it was first announced, must be my inner Goblin showing through :P

    1. Thanks Shade!

      I really enjoyed researching the source material for the guidebook, so I will have a look at the Kickstarter!

      Is it time you made a little band of Goblins? ;-)

    2. It's funny you should say that. I just picked up some miniatures a couple of days ago to play with some conversion ideas.

      I'm thinking of going for an aesthetic somewhere between Warhammer and LoTR goblins.

      A more skinny, deadly, fae-like goblin warband. I thought they'd be great as an AoS warband for skirmish etc, or even for RPG's. Whether I manage to do that is up for debate, but I'll have fun playing with the conversions either way :)

    3. A skinny, deadly, fae-like goblin warband? I definitely want to see them!
