Tuesday, 19 February 2019

The Mushloonz - part 8

Skragbad the Loonboss. 

I carefully chopped off the "moon helmeted" head and added a head from a Squig Hopper Boss - I'm in the process of adding some robes too, just the hooded head makes him look a bit unbalanced in terms of "fabric vs. armour".

Photos updated with the greenstuff-joined cloak (made from a Coven Throne Curtain!)

Some assorted NPCs from the Dankwood are also on the way: a pensive Shaman and an annoyed Fungus Farmer (reprimanding a small squiggly beast for eating his crops).

Heads from the amazing Squig Hoppers kit.

And a trio of gitz who follow a Scaremonger (masks left to right: Ork Nobz back-banner top, Greenskinz Boyz shield-boss (OoP), Empire Fortified Manor sign (OoP). Knowing this might not be very helpful though, as two out of three are out-of-production kits!)


  1. Another nice lot! As usual, my fave is the odd little goofy stuff, so, in this case, the farmer yelling at the Squig.

    1. Thanks WestRider - we have such similar tastes! He's my fave too.
