Friday 1 February 2019

Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge - part 2

Terpsichore's Terror

The Cleavermaw sailed low and fast, weaving between the jungle-covered hills of the Wilds of Keromuru, at Realm's Edge of Ghyran. It took all of the small crew's continuous concentrated effort to wrangle the ungainly sky-vessel round the turns required to avoid the vine-covered rocky outcrops and hills. Sometime they just didn't bother and just scraped over them!

The lookout at the masthead started; he had spotted a plume of smoke on the horizon between the slopes of two hills. He called down to the deck below and the crew ran to the gunwales and leapt into the rigging to see. Mr Deadwood, the master-at-arms, sent a deck-hand below to wake the kaptain.

~ 🕱 ~

Kaptain Mogrum stood upon the rocky ledge and peered through his brass spyglass. His beard and robes writhed with magical energies, as if they were living things. Tiny green sparks arced and crackled across his skin. The rock itself seemed to be charged with arcane energies, it didn't even require his new mystical sensitivity to know this hill was a site of power, a nexus of ley lines.

The Cleavermaws assembled around him, eager to get started. They had found there was good money to be made from the bounties paid for getting rid of Endless Spells, and more from robbing other bounty hunters when they were more successful! Most wizards didn't put up much of a fight - it only tended to be their bodyguards that caused the Cleavermaws and problems.

Mogrum knew the Malevolent Maelstrom known locally as Terpsichore's Terror was close by.

But so were The Shadowflames! An alliance of Aelf sorcerer and Duardin warriors was not to be underestimated.

The Cleavermaws raced forward as Terpsichore's Terror moved away from them, toward the Shadowflames.

Mogrum summoned a huge spectral Foot of Gork, that plummeted from the roiling clouds above in a swirl of green lightning. But Laelanyel, the Mistweaver Saih, dissipated the thaumaturgic stomp before it reached the tree tops!

The Fyreslayers watched the approach of Terpsichore's Terror with close attention, three of them managed to bind the Maelstrom and the pulled it nearer to them, away from the orruk pirates.

The Cleavermaws split into two groups - half went to fight the Fyreslayers, half went to wrangle the Maelstrom from the duardin binding it.

Mr Deadwood and Bosun Higgs pushed through the jungle with their ensorcelled pistols ready.

The Fyreslayers made short work of the orruks - the Maelstrom fed on their unfortunate souls and became unstable.

The three Cleavermaws hiding in the trees managed to bind the Maelstrom and they held it in a stalemate, so the Fyreslayers could not move it!

~ 🕱 ~

(We tracked the souls and spells that Terpsichore's Terror had consumed with crystals on it's warscroll)

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The Fyrslayer that was not busy binding the Maelstrom charged into the jungle to sort out the troublesome orruks.

Aef-Grimnir, the Runefather, was surrounded by orruks, including Mr Sludga the Ardboyz Boss.

The Runefather sent two more orruk souls into the Maelstrom and turned his attention on Sludga.

But Terpsichore's Terror was now brimming with unstable energies, more than was safe.

The Maelstrom exploded! A devastation wave of Death Magic blasted the jungle - three more orruks fell, along with 3 Slayers, and Laelanyel the Mistweaver was wounded.

~ 🕱 ~

Spellhunters (from Malign Sorcery) is a great Skirmish Battleplan! If either of us had managed to draw the Endless Spell to our objective marker we could have scored a Major Victory. If we had wiped out the enemy warband or the Spell was closer to our objective at the end of five Battle Rounds we could have scored a Minor Victory. But as the spell destroyed itself we called it a Draw.

Viktor's side of this tale is here.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Riot! It was a really enjoyable game 💀👌

  2. You always know it was a good scrap if the thing you were fighting over blew up because the battle was too much for it!

    1. It's definately a vote of confidence! 😂🤣
