Friday 14 October 2022

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet - The Swordfyshes, part 3 - Old Mudgob

"Mumbo jumbo!?" roared the meaty shaman, "I'll give ya a mumbo jumbo shot across your bows, you 'orrible lubber!"

The crew scattered in fear as the sky darkened and one of the clouds took on a distinctly foot-like shape...


Old Mudgob - Weirdnob Shaman

Unusually big for a Weirdnob Shaman, Mudgob wore a massive broad-brimmed hat with a hatpin made from an orruk skull and teeth from some unnamed large beast. One of his big teeth was broken and he had a long grey beard. He usually carried a short sword, a flintlock pistol with ammunition, a leather pouch of money (and possibly other things...), and a rolled up map on his belt.

Mudgob was often left on board the ship with the anchor-watch as he was unpredictable and almost always incoherent as he tended to talk mostly in arcano-babble. But when he got an idea in his head to go somewhere or do something, the rest of the crew would get caught up in his excitement and happily follow along - it always led to adventure and fighting.

I've been enjoying playing Ironjawz in Warcry more than I expected. This led to buying a second box of Brutes to add some different options to my crew. The first thing I wanted to make from them was a Weirdnob Shaman.

The barefoot Brute with his armour plates left-off was a good start. He needed some greenstuff work to fill in the gaps on his chest and back, and I trimmed off the nubs on his upper arms, both these were needed to take account of where the armour should go. I also added a greenstuff broad-brimmed hat with a hatpin made from of the Ironjawz trophies in the Brute box (that can be optionally attached to shoulder armour).

The left arm I chose was from the "Brute with Jagged Gore-Hakka held one-handed" option, with an open empty hand. The right arm is from another Gore-Hakka pose but with a slight wrist-trim to fit the open right hand from the Brute Boss with Boss Choppa option. I considered giving him a shaman-y staff by using the handle of a Gore-Hakka but in the end I liked the idea of making a slightly differently equipped wizard, "casting a spell" rather than waving a stick.

I also added a flintlock pistol (from the old Kroot kit), a sheathed sword from the old Boar Boyz kit (not the Savage Orruks one), a small scroll (rolled up map!) from the skaven Plague Monks kit, and a pouch that comes in the Brutes kit.

The base is made from "wooden" bits from the Lake Town House (from The Hobbit range), and a Skaven (... um... catapult? lightning cannon? screaming bell? dunno) anyway a Skaven war machine kit, with greenstuff to fill gaps and create a pile of earth, once I PVA glued sand over it.


I painted him in my usual style - zenithal base coat, dry-brush all over, Contrast, a mid-tone on skin areas then highlights on almost everything. The whole process only took two painting sessions - maybe 2 to 3 hours in total.

I hope to add him to my Warcry warband soon. I have also started building the other Brutes in the box, so they will follow soonish.