Adm'rul Kurgan is a veteran of a hundred campaigns in every corner of the Realms: from the steaming jungles of Ghyran to the ruined cities of the Hysh; he has burned ports in the Rotwater Blight, raided the towns of Okkam’s Reach in Ulgu, besieged fortresses in the Endless Desert of Shyish, endured the perpetual snowstorms and barren wastes of the Silverglades in Chamon, battled in the heart of the Jade Kingdoms, looted the floating islands over the Harrowmark forests and engaged all manner of foes: alive or undead, daemonic or mortal. All the while stealing anything that wasn't nailed down, and having a go with a claw-hammer at anything that was.
The Hogwashas - Orruk Ironjawz Brutes
The crew of the Adm’rul’s flagship and his bodyguard. Huge specimens of the greenskin race, they exemplify the ideal held true by all Orruks that “Might is Right”. They take the biggest cut of the loot, have the best weapons and armour, and the best tattoos in the fleet.
They swagger about port as if they own the place, and so far no-one has told them otherwise. They relish adventure and excitement and we gladly board the Hogwasha and set off through a Realmgate into skies-unknown, just to see what happens when they get there.
Very cool! I particularly like the beard squigs, and Line's fancy hat!
ReplyDeleteThanks WestRider! My personal favourite is Sinka but I do like a good beard and a fancy hat. 🤣
DeleteYou def got a great pose on Sinka. I'm just easily distracted by things like fancy hats ;)
Delete=D Hahaha noted!
DeleteThose are brilliant!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Riot!