Wednesday 10 April 2019

Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge - part 10

The Fall of Erebusia

The Cleavermaws stepped out of the Erebusia Realmgate and cautiously advanced into Duskhaven. The darkened streets and winding alleys could easily hide ambushers or monsters of any description. They didn't dare light more than one lantern and they kept that one nearly closed. Strange noises echoed between the ruins buildings and the orruk pirates started to grumble to each other, speculating at the possible source of the sounds:

"What waz dat?" said Liberty Snik.

Kaptain Mogrum twitched and gritted his teeth.

"Probably a shadow-daemon of some kind." said Weatherly Deg, as casually as he could manage.

"Nah, dat was more like a Fury or one of them winged witch-aelfs." said Double Barrel.

Mogrum craned his neck and rolled one shoulder.

"I hope it is. I needs to kill somefink today." said Bosun Higgs. Double Barrel grinned at him and said "Yer, me an' all mate."

Mogrum growled to himself as green sparks popped and fizzed from his eyes and the pirates went quiet.

~ 🕱 ~

The Cleavermaws watched as the Hunters of Gloomfen and the Shadowflames got ready to tear each other to pieces, and quietly edged toward the ruined Wizard's House.

They moved through the narrow allies of Duskhaven, passed shattered houses and wind-blown paper notices.

Taking care as they edged by the foul waters of the old fountain.

The Hunters emerged from the Sunken Gate and swiftly moved forward, angry at the invasion of their territory.

The started peppering the Shadowflames with bow-fire.

One of the Slayers fell to the barrage of arrows.

A Khinerai darted forward...

.. lashed out with her Barbed Sickle and brought down a Slayer, then fled before the Shadowflames could react!

The Cleavermaws made a dash for the Wizard's House.

But that drew the attention of the Shadowflames and throwing axes started flying their way.

Still beyond the range of his offensive spells, Mogrum shielded himself.

Arrows rained down on the duardin as the Hunters closed in.

A Khinerai turned her attention on the Cleavermaws, she landed lightly and prepared her weapons.

The Hunters' arrows started to fall on the orruk pirates as well. Double Barrel and Bosun Higgs both pitched over clutching at the black darts embedded in their flesh.

The Khinerai flew over their heads and slashed at Liberty Snik and Deadwood.

Laelanyel and Aef-Grimnir readied themselves for combat.

The Blood Sister then charged the Shadowflames.

Mogrum entered the Wizard's House and cast Ruin: the spell scythed through the Mistweaver and a Khinerai.

The orruk pirates charged the Mistweaver.

While Sludga, Deadwood and Dogwatch Fug attacked the Blood Sister.

The Blood Sister managed to impale Deadwood, just before the others killed her.

All three deckhands who took on the Mistweaver were butchered by the Auric Runefather!

Mogrum rushed to the middle floor of the ruined Wizard's House.

Harald blasted Aef-Grimnir in the back but the Runefather shrugged off the close ranged cannonade!

The last of the pirates took cover while the Hunters of Gloomfen poured arrows onto the Shdowflames.

Laelanyel used a Illusionary Assault on the Tidecaster and sent her screaming into her worst nightmares.

The Runefather barreled through the orruk pirates and blocked the door to the Wizard's House.

Laelanyel charged straight up the wall on a pillar of shadowy mist.

She wounded Kaptain Mogrum...

... but he used Soulstealer to heal himself at Laelanyel's cost.

Aef-Grimnir smashed Sludga to the ground. Harald fled!

A trio of Gloomfen Reavers leapt the fence and attacked the Runefather.

Dogwatch Fug slashed at a Reaver with his cutlass while they focused their attention on the Runefather.

Mogrum and Laelanyel duelled, exchanging vicious strikes and parrying hard. Mogrum managed to fend off most of her attacks but she used another Illusionary Assault on him and nearly overwhelmed him.

The Gloomfen Reavers finally overcame the Runefather and turned their blades on Dogwatch Fug.

But Kaptain Mogrum was an orruk after all, he used a Savage Killing Spree to full effect and crushed the Mistweaver Saih mercilessly. He roared in triumph and tore the scrimshawed bone artifact from her slackened grip. Emerald sparks and arcs of energy flared around it at his touch.

The Gloomfen Reavers pounced on him, screaming for revenge. He swirled the Ragged Cloak about himself so they were unable to target him with their bows, so they charged.

With two sweeps of his totem-covered and bladed staff he laid them both at his feet.

The darkened skies of Ulgu shook with distant thunder as the wounded orruks of his crew dragged themselves toward the Wizard's House, hoping to avoid the coming storm and find somewhere to recover.

~ 🕱 ~

This was the Carnage Battleplan from White Dwarf (March 2019 issue) with a few tweaks to make it work on a 30"x40" AoS Skirmish board - mostly just the deployment distances. We played the game over two lunchtimes as we only managed to get 2 or 3 turns in the first session and it was not left with a very satisfying end. All three of us were able to make the next session so we picked up where we left off. And boy, are we glad we did. The second half was amazing!

The balance tipped from one of us to another then to another, shifting constantly almost every phase. At some points any of us could have won this and it was only through some amazingly good and bad luck (and finally remembering some of my warband's abilities: Savage Killing Spree, I'm looking at you!) that I ended up with the last model standing. The fact that it was Mogrum and he managed to defeat Laelanyel in single combat and snatch the scrimshawed bone artifact from her corpse made it narratively PERFECT.

Viktor's version of this adventure is here.


  1. Revenge! Nice use of the "how 'bout you and them fight" tactic at the start, and it was great to see Cap'n Mogrum finally get to flex his magical muscles a bit, as well as performing some very impressive sword work! I must admit, I was getting kinda worried when Higgs dropped so soon, but that was an excellent job of carrying through to the end there!

    1. Thanks WestRider!
      It was such a great game, and it wasn't just me enjoying winning (for a change) - I can assure you the other two enjoyed it too.

      Part of Mogrum's problem with magic is that I always try to "go big" so I rarely get good enough dice rolls for success. I tried a lot of easier-to-cast spells this game, with a boost from the "Arcane" Wizard's House, so Mogrum got to ZAPP stuff!

  2. I love the way you combine all these random elements of GW products to make your own narrative and game. Brilliant!!

    1. Thanks Riot!
      Good cooking is all about combining the stuff you can get your hands on, and making something new and tasty! ;-)
