Friday, 26 April 2019

Ferrugo Pass: Tor Megiddo - part 4

Anomaly Protocol, Patrol 8

Red-orange dust swirled around the slowly lowering access ramp. It thumped onto the dry cracked ground and Ranger Patrol 8 emerged from the darkened belly of the gigantic Tor. They set off to search for replacement components - things that were always inevitably breaking down and failing.

Alpha Daktov gave a few curt commands in a mix of binharic cant and low gothic, distorted over the vox by static and interference. With a prayer to the Omnissiah, the small group marched out into the wilderness and they soon disappeared from sight in the dust clouds.

Daktov - Para-Skitarii Ranger Alpha
Daktov was a Strategic Chorister - Infobanks of oracular and tactico-predictive engrams allowed him to constantly exload optimal instructions to his comrades.

Tybar - Para-Skitarii Ranger
Tybar was never still, glorying in the perpetual motive force of the Omnissiah. He often impetuously rushed ahead of the battleline as a result.

Kasra - Para-Skitarii Ranger
With his noospheric intake corrupted by years of tireless service, Kasra developed biological glitches, tics and twitches he could not control. 

Decima - Para-Skitarii Ranger Sniper
Decima was Meticulously Observant - the slightest weakness in the enemy’s armour was laid bare to his augmetic perceptions.

Chulho - Para-Skitarii Ranger
Chulho was blessed with Binharic Piety - he was given to strident pronunciations in binharic cant whenever he acted in anger.


As I have mentioned before, our next sortee into the red wastes or Tor Megiddo will be using Open Play style Kill Team rules, with warbands chosen to a total of 50 points and no faction-specific Stratagems. So this little group is going to include the profiles of both Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii and Genestealer Cult Neophytes to represent the mismatched selection of weapons and equipment.


  1. They look really good man!

    1. Thanks Riot! I am ridiculously pleased with them :-D

  2. Fantastic. Just so full of character.

  3. I can see why you're pleased with them, they look stunning!

  4. Just great! May i steal the Idea for my Dark Mechanicum?

  5. Those looks amazing! Am I correct that the heads and rifles are from the Skitarii Ranger kit and the bodies are from the Cawdor gang box.

    1. Thanks Adrian!
      Yes, absolutely correct for all except Decima - their body is from the Necromunda Delaque gang.
