Wednesday, 11 December 2024

The Rotmoons and the Starwood Compass - part 7, Delivery

After successfully stealing a sorcerous device from the grot Hopper Boss's encampment (and a burning it and large portion of the forest surrounding it), the Rotmoons planned to use it to blow-up a ley line nexus. The nexus was guarded by The Gleaming Host - Sybarite mercenaries in the employ of the defenders of the Prime Dominion.

That night El Doktoro carefully divided up the component parts of the device and then combined each part with a generous measure of blackpowder, in a effort to create multiple "bombs" from the artefact.

Bortagno and a couple of the crew reconnoitred the ley line nexus - it seemed it was beneath a stone shrine or temple and its power was being syphoned into a brazier as a "sacred flame" - the Gleaming Host's employers were using the magical flames to empower weapons and armour. The Rotmoons were going to try and put a stop to that.


All around them forest fires raged. None-the-less, the sounds of the battle taking place beyond the smoke and flames could still be plainly heard.

Despite using the noise and smoke to hide their presence, the Gleaming Host's sentinels soon spied the pirates and raised the alarm.

Once the gig was up, Deestro was the first to leap into action, just as a burning tree branch fell with a crash and hit Geedo.

Deestro charged a Painbringer and their swords clashed as the Slaanesh cultist counter attacked.

Kapitan daLeeva charged as well, to assist Percy Percy. The Kapitan hit hard, but his opponent seemed to be empowered by the wounds.

Deestro countered the Painbringer's attacks and took them down. The fires closed in - Bold Rikk, daLeeva and a Twinsoul were all scorched as they fought.

The Gleaming Host's leader, Ramael, joined battle against Dragante.

Percy Percy struck the final blow against the Painbringer.

The Slaangor, who'd been stalking Deestro, struck from the shadows and took him down. The bomb Deestro had been carrying slipped from his pack and rolled towards Bold Rikk.

So Bold Rikk scooped it up and sprinted toward the Shrine.

But a Twinsoul intercepted him and cut him down. The bomb once more bounced across the battlefield, just shy of its target.

The Kapitan seized the moment. He roared a triumphant battle cry and barrelled-in, snatched up the bomb with one hand, hurled it into the sacred flame brazier. He dived sideways into what little protection the nearby rocks could provide.

Less than a heartbeat passed. The sacred flame changed colour. Dazzling light lanced into the sky. The Shrine split in two. The magical power coursing through the ley lines beneath it erupted and turned the central stones molten, and the Shrine collapsed.


The Kapitan pulled himself to his feet and looked around - the world was not silent but the only sound in it was a like a huge echoing bell, so loud it was head-splitting. 

Bortagno said something to him, but he couldn't make it out. Then the bell noise receded and other sounds slowly returned.

Motes of red hot stone fizzed and popped as they landed around him or bounced off his armour. 

Bortagno offered him a bottle and said, "Kapitan, you will drink this, I think?"


The Animosity VI UK Meet-up - Game 2

Deployment: Stark Beginnings
Victory: Poison The Well
Twist: Flame Pockets

Opponent: Ed / Maps
Warband: Sybarites

This was a fun game - and we both loved the emergent story that came from the combination of Battleplan cards and the counters that Ed had made.

Kapitan daLeeva's Doom Tally = 6
(Which is bad news for the ship...)

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