Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Ironjawz Spearhead, part 1

I had an idea today, that began when I was thinking about the December AoS Battlescroll adding Headstompa to the Megaboss profile. This small change to the rules triggered a series of thoughts that "unlocked" the option to use the Rotmoons in AoS Spearhead.

Since last month's preview, we know that the Ironjawz Spearhead being released in January 2025 will consist of a Megaboss, 10 Ardboys, 5 Brutes and 3 Weirdbrute Wrekkaz. When it was first announced I expected to use a mix of my other crews as the basis for mine, as the Rotmoons are missing a few models to be able to field a Spearhead picked exclusively from them.

One of those missing models is a Megaboss. I have an unbuilt Megaboss that I'd considered making in the Rotmoons' style, but previously I'd shied-away from doing this for story reasons: I wanted Kapitan daLeeva to remain in command of his ship, and adding a Megaboss to the crew would feel weird if he wasn't in charge. I also didn't want to "promote" daLeeva to Megaboss status, as I don't really enjoy using a Megaboss in Warcry.

But now they added Headstompa to the Megaboss profile, it seems possible, normal even, that a Megaboss can serve as a "junior officer" to other orruk heroes. 

So I've repurposed Ogdrog (one of the two Megabosses I made at the end of last year who, if I'm honest, was unlikely to ever see the tabletop) into a Headstompa in the Rotmoons. This means he can join a regiment without being it's leader in AoS. 

So Ogdrog will join the Elizabethan-styled pirates for some of their adventures. While he will count as the general in the Ironjawz Bigmob Spearhead rules, and daLeeva will only count as a Brute Boss on the tabletop, the Kapitan will remain the crew's leader in my narrative.

Kapitan daLeeva will be part of the Spearhead's Brutes unit with all the "Brute-sized models" that aren't in the Spearhead as his quarter-deck crew - El Doktoro the Weirdnob Shaman, Palmaz the Warchanter, Maximo the Brute, and Medrano - a new Brute, with a Gore-choppa, who I started building tonight.

This is a very long-winded way to say that, as a result of all this narrative-knot-unravelling, Ogdrog got a partial re-paint today, so he now has the black, red and yellow colour scheme of the Rotmoons.

I'll get a photo of the entire, expanded, crew of the Rotmoon as soon as the new Gore-choppa Brute is finished. 

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