Monday, 4 January 2021

Mortal Citizens 2021 - orruk skypirates

To quote @MortalCitizens on Twitter:

"Born out of a conversation on The Mortal Realms Discord (you should join it), this is a Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby initiative to fill out the more civilian corners of the Mortal Realms. With a dash of Inktober, a sprinkle of AoS28, and various other inspirations the idea was formed to pick a theme for each month, throw it out into the void, and see what comes back.

The brief is simple, for each month interpret the theme anyway you see fit, create at least one model but as many as you like (it can be a whole group) that fit that theme and throw it up on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #MortalCitizens".

The 2021 monthly themes are:

Kordag the orruk skypirate Diplomat from The Harrowmark. He carries a messily hand-written copy of the Codex Pirata. He likes to think of himself as articulate, but more often than not he uses the wrong words, but usually words that sound similar to the one he actually means.

"That may be what you think, but it ain't nothing but a pigment of your imagination! Which I've come to parley with yer boss, matie, so you'll need to pay detention to what I has to say."


Poffam, the orruk skypirate Messenger from the Harrowmark, slightly dazzled by the light of Hysh. He carries orders from the Adm’rul to the Ironfang Fleet, and intelligence reports from the fleet to the Adm’rul in a small, fast skyship.

"I ain' read it mate, I just brought the bits-o-paper. I leave that stuff to the Adm'rul and the Kaptains."


Ledger Nud the orruk sky-pirate Quartermaster and Skribla his Goblin assistant. Hailing from the Harrowmark, Nud serves as the Kaptain's clerk to Kaptain Mogrum of the Cleavermaw. He manages the ships' supplies, shares out the loot among the crew after cruises, and keeps the ships' accounts and logs.

Kaptain Mogrum and Ledger Nud regularly pored over ancient maps with faded ink, and tattered, torn and stained paper. It was often hard to make out large areas of the towns due to the age and bad condition of the chart but some parts could still be read. Another problem was that the towns had often been sacked since the maps were drawn, so a lot of the landmarks were missing. The Orruk pirates traced out streets and alleys, trying to relate ink lines and scribbled names to crumbling buildings and smashed cobbles.


I made Ledger Nud and Skribla years ago now, but they fit the theme for this month so well I had to use them. They have featured in quite a few adventures alongside the Cleavermaws. One day the rest of this band of #MortalCitizens will too, hopefully!


Whella, the orruk sky-pirate Gun Trader from the Harrowmark in Shyish. This untrustworthy merchant wears a long coat to hide a multitude of stolen blackpowder firearms and ammunition. He says he can get hold of a number of cannon if you are really interested.

“Ere, mate, you wanna buy some gunz? I’ze got a lovely selection, fresh out of Hammerhal. I’ve got blast-powder too, if ya need it? Yeah, it’s extra. Shot is extra too, what do ya fink I am, a charity? You ain’t in the army mate. You don’t get issued weapons here - you finds ‘em or you buys ‘em, just like anyone else. Look: get lost will you mate? I’ve got real customers to serve.”


The Baron is an orruk sky-pirate explorer and teller of tall tales. He wears an ostentatious bicorn hat with a couple of bones stuck in for decoration, a flowing cape and a metal gauntlet he calls Sigmar's Bane. He also carries a pistol but he has never loaded it and probably isn't even really sure how it works. He is very proud of his hair-squig moustache.

"Oh, I assure you, all my stories are true, completely believable and definitely happened. Like that time I jumped from Azyr to Shyish for a bet. Or when I one-punched Sigmar onto his backside. Or when I gutted a Great Unclean One and used a Blood Thirster for an umbrella to save myself from getting covered in goo. Or when I found a beached Ur-Whale on the edge of Ghur and threw it into a lake in Shyish. Oh yes, it all definitely happened."


Riggob, the pirate orruk cartographer / librarian knows full well that there is a tidy profit to be made by buying maps from experienced adventures and explorers, making copies, and selling them on to newer and more naïve adventurers. He does like silence when he's working though.


Old Maggat is a strange one. He is a pirate orruk farmer who takes pleasure from peace and quiet, and good tilled earth, and things that grow. But he'll smack with his spade if you tread on his crops.


Ghazan the Alchemist is not someone you want as a next-door neighbour! His experiments frequently result in explosions, bad smells and the unexpected arrival of large quantities of strange materials.


Bellows calls himself an entertainer but no-one who has heard him play was ever entertained. Tortured is more like it.

Heged the musician is not really an entertainer. Sawing away at all hours of the night, making a noise like some kinda strangled beastie. He does like a shanty though.


Torkolat is what you get if an orruk pirate spends a long period of time in the company of the Devoted of Sigmar. He has taken it upon himself to mimic their Clergy and has started preaching the Book of Gorkamorka. It turned out to be quite popular with other orruks, as it is mainly about hitting things.


Badgutz the ship's cook, has delusions that he is a member of some kind of Lord's Retinue because the Adm'rul has eaten his food.


Fugg is an unpleasant, aggressive and deceitful zogger, even by orruk standards. His favourite pastime is lurking in alleyways after dark and sucker-punching passers-by. Sometimes he robs them too but that isn't the bit he enjoys. In any other society he would be called a criminal but to orruks he is just a git.


Gurdrog Gaff works in Gallowmire as a pilot, navigating sky-ships through the treacherous fog banks around the settlement, for a fee of course.


  1. Wonderful characters one and all. Fugg seems like the kind of fellow that needs his own reality show if the technology and concept existed in the setting. "Tonight weez waiting 'round the side of 'The Weedy Git' hoping to get a few shots in on dat Riggob who sold me a map to the treasure buried in 'The Plops'. Dere's nuggets down dere but de ain't gold." Riggob's book stand is quite lovely. Scratchbuilt?

    1. Thank you Pagnumb! Yeah, I think that would be a funny show (if you were an orruk!).
      The library objective marker is made mostly from GW parts, plus plasticard for about half of the books.
