Monday 18 January 2021

The Great Oubliette of Shyish, part 12 - The Wreck of the Fallcrest

Shadows loomed in the dark archways on both sides of them. Row-upon-row of crypt doorways lined the avenue, some had dead branches protruding from the dark, others had rusted gates hung at angles off broken hinges. The pavements were cracked and uneven.

"Another shipwreck ahead Kap'n." said Mr Sludga and pointed with his new blade.

Mogrum nodded. The gloomy greenish light that had permeated the Great Oubliette for the entire time they had been here made seeing very far ahead almost impossible, but the shape of broken ship's timbers like the ribs of some great beast's skeleton was unmistakable.


The Adventuring Party:
Kaptain Mogrum (Wurrgog Prophet)
- Bonesplitterz spell: Bone Krusha
- Bonesplitterz Command Trait: The Power of the Beast
Lost Uzzog (Ship's Wardokk)
Mr Sludga (Savage Big Deck-Boss)
- Bonesplitterz Artefact of Power: Greatdrake Toof Sword
Mr Deadwood (Savage Big Deck-Boss)

5th Exploration Roll - Dungeon Fight!
4 Grimghast Reapers (West)


As the orruk pirates travelled west they came to a narrow avenue between crumbling mausoleums and the rotting wreck of a skyship. As they passed another broken statue of Nagash four Grimghast Reapers drifted out of the ship's broken hull, blocking the way ahead.

The blindfolded Nighthaunts waited for the orruks to approach, they slashed at the air unseeing; their scythes seemingly swung at random.

Mogrum and Uzzog both blasted the Grimghast Reapers with arcane powers and three of them disappeared in a flash of green light, leaving only blackened rags drifting to the cobbles.

The two Deck-Bosses approached the last Reaper.

Deadwood got there first...

And his belaying-pin made short work of the spirit.

Among the shattered timbers of the wreck, Uzzog found a Grave-sand Ossuary with the power to bring the dead back to life.

The Cleavermaws continued their journey through the underworld.


5th Chamber cleared!
Loot: Grave-sand Ossuary: It is said that the grave-sand contained within these ossuaries gives one control over death itself.
Give this item to a Hero to carry. In your hero phase, you can choose for the Hero carrying this item to use it. If you do so, pick 1 other friendly Hero that has been slain in this battle. You can heal 1 wound allocated to that Hero so it is no longer slain, then you can set it up on the battlefield within 3" of the Hero that used the ossuary. Then, the Hero that used this item is no longer carrying it.

The Adventuring Party update:
Kaptain Mogrum (Wurrgog Prophet)
- Bonesplitterz spell: Bone Krusha
- Bonesplitterz Command Trait: The Power of the Beast
Lost Uzzog (Ship's Wardokk)
- Loot: Gravesand Ossuary (single use)
Mr Sludga (Savage Big Deck-Boss)
- Bonesplitterz Artefact of Power: Greatdrake Toof Sword
Mr Deadwood (Savage Big Deck-Boss)

6th Exploration Roll - Dungeon Fight!
4 Glaivewraith Stalkers (Surprised) & 8 Chainrasps (West)

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