The Rotmoons made landfall on the Ravaged Coast and set up a temporary encampment in a mountainous region of the Scorched Outskirts. They were unhappy to find some local fire-troggs heading for the Emberstone deposits that they'd assumed would be theirs.
They started to set up a hasty defence of the ramshackle encampment.
But there were not really enough of the orruk pirates to hold off such a horde of blistering creatures.
Kapitan daLeeva herded his crew forward.
Ogdrog didn't need to give the Wrekkaz any encouragement.
The Rotmoons were confident of how difficult they could be to shift. Unfortunately they were overconfident.
As the troggoths fell on them, the truth slowly dawned on the orruks!
El Doktoro the shaman was struggling to gather the unfamiliar power of Aqshy. He was constantly frustrated as the sorcerous energies he attempted to muster seemed to just slip through his fingers.
At last the Shaman managed to empower the nearest mob with a small amount of power that did not elude him. But it was the only magical success he had that day.
Ogdrog fell and the Dankhold that had pounded him into the dirt just ambled off, as if bored!
Leaving the Rockguts to mop-up the remaining Wrekkaz.
El Doktoro drew closer to the fighting, in the vain hope of tapping into the Waaagh! power flooding the near-by ardboys.
When the Dankhold Troggoth flattened the shaman the Kapitan called for the remaining ardboys of Bortagno's watch to fall back to the ship.
They left the troggs, a little singed, but 4 Emberstone Shards richer. The troggs held 7 Emberstone, and a lot of the Rotmoons needed "medical attention"...
Battleplan: Rift in the Peaks
Twist: Mounting Corruption
There were 4 Emberstone Clusters and 3 Objectives on the battlefield; the orruks and the troggoths both gathered two Emberstone tokens each.
The Rotmoons took an early lead as they grabbed all three Objectives in their first turn (VP 3:0).
In their second turn they retained the right flank, contested the centre and the left (VP: 4:0).
They lost the right objective in the trogg's second turn, and the fighting was getting hotter on the other two (VP: 4:1). They also lost one of their Emberstone tokens to a mob of Rockguts.
By the end of Turn 3 the troggs were about to take all three objectives and likely wipe the orruks out, (one unit of Ardboys and and a Big Boss were all that twas left fighting!). So at the start of my Command phase in the 4th turn I chose to withdraw from battle, taking the lone Emberstone token I still had in-hand.
In the Aftermath Sequence the troggoths got 3 Emberstone Shards for winning, 1 from a Dig Site (the others were unproductive), and 3 shards from the tokens they carried.
The Rotmoons luckily rolled a 3 on the D3 for Emberstone shards for losing a battle. With the 1 they carried I was able to recruit a mob of Brutes and have something left in the bank for next time.
El Doktoro the shaman got 2 Battle Wounds, but healed them both.
Ogdrog got 3 Battle Wounds and was unable to heal any.
One mob of Wrekkaz suffered 3 Battle Wounds, and the other suffered 1.
The East Warrington Gaming club Path to Glory Ravaged Coast campaign started this week, with 8 of the 20-ish players involved battling it out in the Scorched Outskirts.
We used random pairing for the first round of games, and I think that will continue, with some adjustments to reduce the chance of playing the same opponent over and over. We've decided to self-impose a soft limit of 2 campaign games per month for each player. Not everyone goes to the club every week (I definitely can't!) and we want to give everyone a fairly even chance of joining in.
After my first game my updated roster looks like this:
The Rotmoons, Path to Glory Ravaged Coast1200pts3 dropsFaction - IronjawzFormation - WeirdfistKapitan Alunzo daLeeva , Ardboy Big Boss [General] (120)[Aspiring Brawler - Dependable Assault]- Botagno's watch, 10 x Ardboyz (180)- Roggriguez’ Division, 5 x Brutes (200)El Doktoro, Weirdnob Shaman (130)- Dragante's watch, 10 x Ardboyz (180)Ogdrog, Megaboss (190)- The Weirdmoons, 3 x Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (100)- The Oddmoons, 3 x Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (100)Arcane TomeBash'Em, Ladz!Da Great Big Green Hand of GorkEmberstone Vault = 1Total Emberstone Shards Gained = 4Battle Fought = 1
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