Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Ironjawz Spearhead, part 3

I went back to working on these two Brutes at the weekend (after starting work on them in March 2024 but stalling while I worked on other things).

I pivoted, from painting them as part of the crews for the Plunderblade and the Portwrecker, to painting them for the Rotmoons.

I realised the Plunderblades and the Portwreckers are only likely to see tabletop action in bigger games of AoS, and almost certainly won't get used in Warcry. (As much as I enjoyed the Warhammer World tournament where I played the Plunderblades, I didn't gel with the story of the warband and I definitely didn't want to use a Megaboss in Warcry again. The huge 60mm base of a Megaboss makes them too ungainly and un-maneuverable on the tabletop for my taste). So it felt like there was little point in making just two Brutes for them.

When you add all that to the fact I was using a Warchanter and a Shaman as "proxy Brutes" for Spearhead games, it made much more sense to give these Brutes the black, yellow and red scheme of the Rotmoons and swap the Warchanter and Shaman out, for models of the actual unit type they were stand-ins for.

So this is Kapitan daLeeva and his Brutes, as they'll feature in any Spearhead games I'll play.

I have the parts for another Brute that I'll add, at some point, for larger games of AoS when daLeeva is an Ardboy Big Boss.


Roggriguez and Bernardo joined the crew when the Rotmoons came to Aqshy's Ravaged Coast. They already knew Maximo and Medrano and happily accompanied them at the others on their adventures in the Gnaw.



A pirate orruk Brute, armed with axe and sword choppas and a pistol, with powder and shot. He wore a massive broad-brimmed hat, with the front folded up and held by a skull-and-bones hat pin. He sported the red and yellow striped trousers, black clothes and armour of the Rotmoon's crew, and added skull-and-bones icon on his back-plate.



A pirate Orruk Brute Boss who carried two sword choppas, and two pistols with powder and shot. He was very taken with how he looked in his long ragged black sea coat and massive hat with a skull-and-bones pin. He also enjoyed keeping the names of those he'd defeated in battle on a long strip of parchment pinned to his armour.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The Ravaged Coast, part 4

This is the last piece for this project that I'll be able to get finished before the narrative Warcry event I'm running at WHW takes place. There are more parts to come but they'll have to wait until next month, at least. I'll be posting about that event after the dust has settled.

I also added a little Aethermatic Blue to the metal sphere of the Charybdis Occulum, so the verdigris on it matched the new pieces a bit better. 

There's a lot of excitement among the AoS players at EWG for the new book; Path to Glory Ravaged Coast

A slow-grow narrative campaign is brewing using the rules from the book, starting with 1,000 point games. Over 20 people have said they want to be involved! So I'm planning to take a load of this scenery to game nights at the club, as well as my army, over the next few months.

The PtG book is absolutely fantastic, and it's built on my excitement and enthusiasm for the setting exponentially. Some of the prep I've done for Mutiny’s End will feed directly into the EWG AoS campaign, including the Emberstone tokens I bought for that event.

I'll put them on top of my 40mm based piratey objective markers to use as Emberstone Clusters. When they're picked up by a unit, I'll remove the objective marker and put the token with the unit.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Ironjawz Spearhead, part 2

The Ironjawz Spearhead will consist of a Megaboss, 2x5 Ardboys, 5 Brutes and 3 Brute Ragerz. 

As I've mentioned before, I have all the models on this list among my pirate orruks but I was missing a few models to be able to field a Spearhead made from a single crew: the Rotmoons.

One of those missing models was a Megaboss, and I've fixed that by giving Ogdrog a partial repaint.

The other models the Rotmoons were missing were Brutes - but Kapitan daLeeva will lead a Brutes unit made up of all the "Brute-sized models" in the Rotmoons that aren't in the Spearhead as his quarter-deck crew (El Doktoro the Weirdnob Shaman, Palmaz the Warchanter, and Maximo the Brute)

That just left one model I needed to add. 

Enter, Medrano - a new Brute, armed with a Gore-choppa and loaded-up with looted gear:


His ruff collar is made of greenstuff. The backpack is from ogor gluttons, the holstered pistol is from Freeguild Pistoliers (thankfully that kit has returned as part of The Old World, Empire range!), and the scrolls are from Skaven plague monks and Freeguild flagellants.

This was how he looked pre-paint, with a black undercoat and a grey "sort-of zenithal" primer:

I've been looking forward to trying Spearhead for a while, so the new Battletome can't come soon enough for me!