The Rotmoons rushed back to the Ironfang Fleet with the strange news of the
Templeships' departure. The Kapitan went aboard the flagship,
the Cleavermaw, to relay the events personally. Kaptain Mogrum listened
intently but didn't express an opinion on the matter (which annoyed daLeeva
somewhat, but he kept that to himself).
Mogrum instead he told daLeeva of the Fleet's assignment: to stand guard of
and fight alongside the gigantic Rogue Idol
Rakrukka uv da Shadowsea (this vast construct was one of five,
animated by the Waaagh!'s unstoppable energies, it was exceptional in that it
was mostly made of shipwreck timbers instead of stone, and it was surrounded
by a thick and unnatural sea-mist).
The defenders of the Prime Dominion were very likely to mount a counter-attack
against the Waaagh! now that they were digging-in while they tried to break
open the sealed Realmgate hidden inside Noctis.
The Ironfang Fleet deployed in a very loose formation, spread-out over a wide
area. Mostly to widen the area they guarded, but also to avoid accidental
collisions with one-another, and other such mishaps, in the mists.
On the third day of their (very dull) blockade-duty El Doktoro heard rumours
that a band of grots had acquired a sorcerous device, that might be able to
catastrophically sabotage one of the Prime Dominion's ley line nexus points.
So they passed word to Kaptain Mogrum and he despatched the Rotmoons ashore to
investigate and make a deal with them for the artefact.
The Rotmoons quickly found the grot encampment and Kapitan daLeeva immediately
decided not to negotiate with the grots. The crew were bored and getting
unruly - more sitting around and waiting could not end well. On his own
initiative he gave orders to raid the encampment, take the artefact and burn
as much of the camp as possible. This plan was very popular and the crew
immediately took to the task enthusiastically.
Unfortunately they were a bit too enthusiastic and the fires got a
little out of hand: soon the woods around the camp were also ablaze!
El Doktoro, Tambor and Bortagno approached the grot encampment, the prospect
of looting and burning filled them with dark glee.
A squig bounded out of the trees and blocked their path.
Kapitan daLeeva, Percy Percy and Bold Rikk gathered the choicest goods from
the grot's stores and put flame to the rest.
El Doktoro wounded the grot rider but the squig still took out Bortagno.
Deestro, Geedo and Dragante battled another squig rider, Dragante bore the
brunt of its frenzied attacks.
The Kapitan moved to aid El Doktoro as as the first squig rider mauled him.
Bold Rikk fought the Boss grot in a fancy hat.
After taking down the squig rider and another grot on foot daLeeva looked
about, assessing the situation. The flames around them were raging closer and
several of the grots were squashed by falling branches.
He was satisfied it was going well enough, but it needed to be resolved
quickly before the grots escaped with the artefact.
Deestro fell when a hidden grot jumped out and stabbed him in the back.
Kapitan daLeeva used this incident to incite the crew to anger - they rounded
on the grot and stomped the unfortunate git into the mud.
The Animosity VI UK Meet-up - Game 1
Opponent: Leila / Mura
Warband: Gloomspite Gitz
Deployment: Realmshaper Mishap
Victory: The Raid
Twist: Forest Fire
This is the second time I've played Leila in a one-to-one game (the first time
was during the Warcry tournament at Warhammer Fest 2023 where they smashed
me!). It's always a pleasure to see them and getting to play Warcry with again
them made my day.
Kapitan daLeeva's Doom Tally = 4
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