Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet: The Rotmoons - Bonesplitterz to Ironjawz, part 6

After the recent AoS4 points changes I tried making a few Ironjawz lists with the models I already have. At larger points levels it was pretty easy to make something close to the things I had previously looked at: Armies made up of several pirate orruk ships' crews working together.

But a lower points levels I started to see something interesting:

The Rotmoons (1000 points)


Ardboy Big Boss (130)
  • [General]
  • [Armour of Gork]
  • [An Eye For Da Fight]
  • 10 x Ardboyz (180)
Warchanter (120)
  • 10 x Ardboyz (180)
Weirdnob Shaman (130)
  • 3 x Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (130)
  • 3 x Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (130)
3 drops
Generated by Listbot 4.0


I realised I can almost make this 1000 point army with the models I've built and painted for a single ship's crew; a single Warcry warband!

Because of all the options and alternative models I've made for them (so I can try a variety of play-styles), I only needed to build and paint two Weirdbrute Wrekkaz and the Rotmoons would be a self-contained AoS army! (I've made three Weirdbrute Wrekkaz from the normal kit, and I already had a fourth, from Morgok's Krushers - the Underworlds warband.)

So using the spare masks from the box of Weirdbrute Wrekkaz I've already finished and parts from the regular Orruk Brutes kit I built Murko and Fausto.






To add to this, the recent Warcry update that added fighter profiles and abilities for the new Ardboys, the Ardboy Big Boss, Weirdbrute Wrekkas and Brute Ravagers to the Ironjawz roster sent me on another wild ride.

This is just a selection of warband ideas I might test. But several of the lists need a Brute with a pair of choppas to make the points work and I don't yet have any regular Brutes made in the Rotmoons' Elizabethan / Spanish Armada / Shakespearean style.

So while I was working on the final touches to the Weirdbrutes I quickly built one (and, I'll be honest, I'd mixed too much greenstuff and I didn't want to waste it!).

But doing the greenstuff work without the usual day, or more, after building a model (for the plastic glue to properly cure) was not a fun challenge. Things shifted a bit, more than once, and needed sorting out before I could call him done and stop working.

And it looks like I've run out of Outrider / Pistolier pistols again, so I'll have to see if eBay or a bits reseller has any left I can get in a hurry.

Anyway, here's...



Next: paint!

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