Friday 9 September 2022

Further Adventures in The Scarlands - part 4, Reapers

"So, my good Kaptain. Do we need to find somewhere what is safe to moor the ship, while we is off exploring?" said Krashhart, "If them rumours of what treasures are to be found in there is even half true, we might be in them woods for a while." he continued, with a piratical gleam in his eye.

Battendown nodded and scratched his sideburns, "Aye. We can't just leave an anchor-watch and hope for the best. If we're going to be away for a time, we need to be sure the ship still be where we left her when we gets back." he said.

The two orruks stood on the quarter deck of the Swordfysh, watching the crew loading supplies into the hold. Behind them to the north was the wide grassy plains known as Drakenot's Meadow. Ahead of them, to the south, were rolling hills and snaking valleys covered by vast tracts of woodland: the Prowling Forest, miles and miles of trees that had just started to show the colours of early autumn.

Battendown pointed at an area of scattered trees on a low hill, a mile or so away from the ship; not as densely-wooded as the forest proper, but close enough to still be considered part of it by most.

"Lets have a look there. If it's right-wise we could throw up a quick stockade atop the hill, to make it more defendable like." he said, after a minute or two assessing their surroundings. "There be plenty of timber, and the wind will be strong enough up there for a quick escape, should we have need of one."

"An excellent plan!" said Krashhart enthusiastically. He laughed and slapped Battendown's shoulder.

~ ⦽ ~

Dramatis Personae

The Swordfyshes
  • Lord Krashhart - Warchanter Explorer
  • Kaptain Battendown - Ardboy with a cloak and a squig-parrot
  • Sinka - Brute with red bandana
  • Hook - Brute with a hook hand
  • Flotsum - Brute with blue bandana
  • Mr Flea - Ardboy Drummer
  • Dakmeff - Ardboy with a barrel on his back
  • Barnacle Nog - Ardboy with a bag of bones
  • Mainstay - Ardboy with red shoulder-plate and bandana

Under the scattered trees on the northern reaches of the Prowling Forest, the Swordfyshes' expedition into the dark woods started badly. One of the crew disappeared on the first day, presumed eaten by a wild beast or possibly a tree. Then the Ironforged Ogors sprung their ambush! It seemed like the Ironforged had a grudge against the orruks and were waiting for them...

Krashhart rallied the Swordfyshes around the overgrown Idol of Gork (or possibly Mork), bawling orders, threats and curses at the crew, to encourage them into action. They readied themselves for the inevitable ogor onslaught to come.

Like a tidal wave of sweaty flesh and steel, the Ironforged rolled in on them.

Cargo the Maneater led the charge and smashed into the orruk pirates. Krashhart jumped forward and joined the fight.

The Swordfyshes reinforcements arrived - Flotsum, Dakmeff and Barnacle Nog bounded towards the Idol to help, shouting insults at the ogors as they ran.

The Ironforged were also reinforced: Skargat arrived.

Cargo was brought down by a combined effort, but only after he knocked out Mainstay.

The ogor Maneater that Flotsum and his mates had charged was made of tough stuff; he remained standing even after a vicious assault by the Brute and two Ardboyz.

The Maneater legged-it and had time to get his breath back before Krashhart managed to round-up the crew and send them scuttling after him.

When Sinka attacked the Maneater bit him! The orruk blood that sprayed from the wound invigorated the ogor enough for him to survive another whirlwind of attacks from the other pirate orruks.

Then Skargat the Tyrant bull-charged Sinka and flattened him - without the bite wounds Sinka might have weathered it.

For a moment Krashhart was isolated on the wrong side of the Idol, unable to do much to help his ladz. Then Mr Flee went down.

Krashhart did his best to get back into the action, he dashed toward Flotsum and the ogor Glutton he battled, but it was too late by the time he arrived. The ogors had already won.

The Swordfyshes fled.

"Maybe that ain't... quite the right spot... for the building of... an encampment... after all. We'll look somewhere else." shouted Krashhart as they ran.

~ ⦽ ~

Deployment and Victory: Reaper (free Core rules PDF)
Twist: Hunting Animals (WD473, Thondia rules)

Our second game of Warcry 2nd edition, again using the Battleplans from the free Core book PDF.
We rolled a Twist from the Thondia rules in White Dwarf again - this one gave the player who lost the first priority of the game a bonus move action for every fighter in their warband on the board, but with a Move characteristic of 3 for that bonus action only. Viktor lost the initiative so got the bonus move.

This was a tough game for me! Even though each of Viktor's fighters was worth a lot of Blood Tally points they have so many wounds it was a real struggle to take two of them down in one Round to get the Victory Point. I think two orruk casualties each turn were enough to steal the VP!

After 4 Rounds the total VP score was 4-0 to Viktor. Each of his ogors were fully capable of smacking down a few orruks each every Round as well, so even ganging-up on them didn't help.

Viktor also made very cunning use of the ogor Reaction: If I didn't score a Critical my attacker took 3 damage and his ogor healed 3 damage!

It was still loads of fun though!

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