Wednesday 26 May 2021

Animosity III - The Prime Dominion, part 9

The Prime Dominion is a land at the edge of Hysh, in the normally inhospitable continent of Haixiah that borders the Perimeter Inimical of the Realm’s Edge. It is an archipelago of floating metalith islands that surrounds a Realmgate waterfall called the Catarhactes. 

Orbiting around the outer edge of the Prime Dominion is Noctis; a mysterious black sun that pulls material from the Catarhactes and eats light and magic. The interaction between Noctis and the Catarhactes formed the archipelago of the Prime Dominion over thousands of years. 

As Noctis orbits the Dominion the regions closest to it experience winter and have darker nights than is usual in Hysh. The regions furthest from Noctis experience summer.

An enclave of pre-Spirefall aelves have made their home here, hiding from the rest of the Realm in this almost inaccessible domain. But their society is on the brink of destruction from their own hubris. Each of the six factions they have divided into has called on mercenaries and friends for aid in the inevitable war that looms.

The unspoiled paradise of the Prime Dominion will soon be shattered!


I have finished the scenery for my Hysh Warcry board. I made one more tohnasai tree without basing it, so I could swap out the dead tree on my shipwreck. Now the wreck can serve double-duty as Hysh or Shyish. I can't wait for the start of Animosity III and to get playing some (solo) Warcry games on it.

Some shots of the whole board together:

Just for fun I have filtered a couple of these photos to make the look like the illustrations from the Lumineth release trailer:

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