Thursday 28 October 2021

Kommordore Deffgit and The Gloomwyrms - part 1

Orruk sky-pirates, hailing from the shadowy ports of Ulgu around the Penumbra Sea, the Gloomwyrms like to lurk in the darkness waiting for their prey to make a mistake.

The first of the Gloomwyrms on my workbench is Kommodore Deffgit - an old character of mine who is due a remake. He was the leader of a Mordheim warband many years ago. He was an Orc Boss in Mordheim, but now he will be reimagined as an Orruk Kruleboyz Killaboss, with a little Stabgrot friend, for Warcry and AoS.


First "structural" step of the build - gluing the plastic parts together, including coat-tails made from a Hexwraith barding. His belly-plate was the Stabgrot's shield:

Then adding rough greenstuff to fill gaps:

Reef got plastic parts glued together at this point too. His head was a 40K gretchin's. The bird parts are from Tzeentch Arcanites. The bird skull was from the Bonesplitterz Savage Orruks' Bone Totem.

The final stage of the build, a few days later, was adding a more careful layer of greenstuff and his greenstuff hat (with a bone from a Crypt Ghoul's arm as a hat-pin).

And a couple more plastic parts - a feather and another bone in his hat, pistols and black-powder flasks.

The next stage is painting. They are both undercoated and zenithal-primed and ready.

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