
Sunday 3 December 2023

The Andtor Odyssey, part 2: Path to Glory

Kaptain Mogrum and the navigator-wardokk Lost Uzzog stooped in the cramped cabin of the Cleavermaw. They had been pouring over charts and maps for hours and the candles on the desk were almost burned down to stubs. They were collating all the information they could gather about the ley lines that arced across the Krakensea. 

After their first successful action in Andtor, four ships from the Ironfang Fleet had anchored in Dead Kraken Cove, an abandoned harbour on an island in the Krakensea, north of the Greedmouth Realmgate. There, in the ruins of the ancient port, they set up a stronghold they called Da Toof.

They didn't know how long they would stay but for now it was a good enough hideout for what they had planned. They were already laden with loot from their initial raids. But more importantly they also had a good reserve of geomantic magic; stolen from the Flesh-Eaters they had encountered in a horrible charnel lair built, intentionally or accidentally, on a nexus of ley lines.

They had followed the lines of geomantic power from there to Dead Kraken Cove. With two Arcane Waypoints nearby: Shipwreck Reef, which partially enclosed the bay, and Freebooter Rock in the deep waters beyond; they would have additional geomantic resources close at hand.

And overlooking the bay was Blacktide Keep - an old artillery emplacement which the pirates planned to rebuild, in their own crude fashion.

Kaptain Borgoth had a feeling the scattered islands along the edge of the Krakensea would prove to be a fruitful hunting ground, especially in the unstable times of growing conflict in the region with no clear power to defend them.

There were plenty of hidden inlets, coves and bays to lurk in while watching for heavily laden supply ships and fat merchantmen passing by. The many uncharted reefs, razor-sharp submerged rocks and treacherous shallows would make it difficult sailing for newcomers to the waters. They planned to take full advantage of that.

They just needed to stay out of the way of the assorted forces that were suddenly very interested in the area.


The East Warrington Gaming AoS campaign is being played using Matched Play rules. But that doesn't stop me using the games for my army's Path to Glory tale, since that's designed to work completely independently of any opponent to create the story of your army's adventures.

I'm using a starting points value of 2,000 - just so I am not totally hamstrung in the later campaign games if my Aftermath rolls are appalling! I won't be rolling for injuries or using Veteran Abilities, as they aren't used in the Aftermath of a Matched Play game. But I will be tracking Glory Points, territories, the state of my army's stronghold, etc. and writing the story around them.

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