
Sunday 19 August 2018

Endless Spells of the Harrowmark - part 2

The Burning Head

Formed from the souls of those burnt at the stake for witchcraft, the Burning Head is a blazing skull that scorches its way across the battlefield, incinerating ranks of troops and inflaming the anger of those who draw close.  The Burning Head crashes into everything in its path with terrifying force, teeth violently gnashing with white soul-fire as it leaves all behind it tangled in lashing branches and strangling barbed vines.

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The first of my Harrowmark Endless Spells is completed. I really enjoyed painting it but I've realised I need to take a bit more care in hiding the joins when I make the next ones. I used baking soda and superglue to cover the join with texture, after I had "finished" painting it - which meant I hadn't finished painting after all. I'm happy with the results though and I'm looking forward to the next one!

I've been thinking about coming up with a few names for Burning Heads that might plague the malignant forests, names that the locals might give them after a few weeks of being tormented by one. I might make a list and roll to see which name we use at the start of each game...

Friday 17 August 2018

Endless Spells of the Harrowmark - part 1

Back in May we read this snippet in the Endless Spells Rules Preview on the Warhammer Community blog, and it caught our imagination immediately:
Endless spells are one of the unforeseen consequences of Nagash’s machinations in Shyish. Where previously spells would dissipate naturally, many now take on a life of their own, roaming the realms and accumulating power almost indefinitely. Some wizards in the Mortal Realms have even taken up work as bounty hunters, tracking them down and dispelling them, while certain examples are as notorious as any dragon or beast that lives in the woods, like the legendary Phantom Blade that cleaves through Ulgu.
So later this year we are headed to the wild hinterlands of Realm's Edge. 

With each of our warbands led by a bounty-hunting wizard, accompanied by their retinues plus a few local guides, we are going to hunt down and bind Endless Spells for coin and renown. It will be a Malign Sorcery AoS Skirmish campaign called Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge. But more on that later... (we have our Tor Megiddo campaign to play first!). In the meantime I have to build and paint my Endless Spells!

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Inspired the Umbral Spell Portals made by theempyrean_ I realised I needed to make my Endless Spells specifically for The Harrowmark. Death-forest themed magicks of black voids and ghostly blue-white fires, with lots of roots and branches and mud - so basically the same colour palette as my scenery.

So, here is the beginning of my first predatory spells.

The Burning Head

Malevolent Maelstrom

I've started painting them already and I will post an update as soon as one is done!

Wednesday 15 August 2018

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet, part 41: Kaptain Mogrum - Weirdnob Shaman!

Da Cleavermaw was a hulking conglomeration of different wrecked and captured ships, cobbled together over many years from their victims and any old junk they could salvage. The prow and stern were completely mismatched and it rode through the air in an ungainly, awkward way. It looked like a dog, steered like a cow and smelled like a slum. Luckily it also packed a punch like a prizefighter: it was equipped with strange mechanical contractions to grapple and board an enemy and vast amounts of heavy artillery.

For years Kaptain Mogrum was completely obsessed with closely examining the captured papers, maps, charts, orders, logbooks and letters - he had standing orders for the crew to gather them from captured sky-ships. He hoarded them in his cabin and, along with his clerk, poured over them for hours in the night making details notes and trying to fit them together or to make sense of them as a whole.

Some months ago Kaptain Mogrum received a near-fatal head injury in a boarding action - a Kharadron skypike split his skull. He was not expected to recover, so it surprised everyone when he woke up and exploded the cabin wall by vomiting up a green lightning-blast of Waaagh! power. The head wound he had survived had unlocked a connection to Gorkamorka and the Waaagh! energy that was generated by the orruks around him. Mogrum used to be just a Warboss until he got knocked on the head; he is now a Weirdnob Shaman!

Mogrum embraced his new role and his new powers when he found he could punch holes in enemy ships just as easily as he could scatter enemy crews!

This is the old (Orruk Warboss) version of Mogrum, alongside the new (Ironjawz Weirdnob Shaman) version. The next chapter in his story will start later this year when we begin our Malign Sorcery AoS Skirmish campaign: Spellbreakers at Realm's Edge.

(Edit 2018-09-28)

I finally got round to taking some photos of the Cleavermaws all together.

Monday 13 August 2018

Oil and Blood, Tor Megiddo - part 11

I have repainted Blockhaus Alpha for Tor Megiddo, as another element for the many shanty towns that may feature in the Oil and Blood campaign. Looking at it now though I should probably have covered the Ork icons with texture paint or something...

(Edit: 29th August 2018) I've painted some Imperial icons and covered the Ork glyphs:

I've added a lot of rust to this pipeline section but I didn't need to repaint it.

Not long left before we start playing the campaign now. I still have a few objective markers to make but other than that I think I am ready!

Sunday 12 August 2018

The Ironfang Pirate Fleet, part 40: Kaptain Mogrum - WIP Weirdnob Shaman

Da Cleavermaw was a hulking conglomeration of different wrecked and captured ships, cobbled together over many years from their victims and any old junk they could salvage. The prow and stern were completely mismatched and it rode through the air in an ungainly, awkward way. It looked like a dog, steered like a cow and smelled like a slum. Luckily it also packed a punch like a prizefighter: it was equipped with strange mechanical contractions to grapple and board an enemy and vast amounts of heavy artillery.

For years Kaptain Mogrum was completely obsessed with closely examining the captured papers, maps, charts, orders, logbooks and letters - he had standing orders for the crew to gather them from captured sky-ships. He hoarded them in his cabin and, along with his clerk, poured over them for hours in the night making details notes and trying to fit them together or to make sense of them as a whole.

Some months ago Kaptain Mogrum received a near-fatal head injury in a boarding action - a Kharadron skypike split his skull. He was not expected to recover, so it surprised everyone when he woke up and exploded the cabin wall by vomiting up a green lightning-blast of Waaagh! power. The head wound he had survived had unlocked a connection to Gorkamorka and the Waaagh! energy that was generated by the orruks around him.

Mogrum embraced his new role and his new powers when he found he could punch holes in enemy ships just as easily as he could scatter enemy crews!

Monday 6 August 2018

Grandfather Kurgan's Genestealer Cult, part 9

"The legends tell of the spacers that brought the Grandfather to Necromunda - they were the crew of a bulk hauler that chanced upon a Space Hulk at the edge of a far off star system. They are long-dead now but some of their descendants are still part of our family. They were heroes, saints even. They brought our Guardian to us, so he could protect us and guide us and make our lives infinitely better.

They smuggled the Grandfather onto our world in a cargo container, in the centre of a consignment of cryo-frozen foodstuffs. In the spaceport the container was put onto a monorail to be moved from Hive Secundus to Hive Primus. It was 'stolen', before it reached the terminus in Primus, and moved down-hive. There it was stored for nearly 20 years while the family grew - the spacer's children took over as custodians and the frozen container was tended carefully; re-painted and re-tagged, kept powered-up and kept hidden.

When the family was big enough and strong enough the container was moved again. Down again, down into the underhive where it was safe from prying eyes. In a temple set up by the faithful Brood Brothers, Acolytes and Neophytes of the (now well established) Order of the Guardian the power was turned off, the doors unsealed - the Ceremony of Awakening was performed. The Guardian was welcomed into his loving family's arms and our power grew."
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Four more Neophytes join the Order of the Guardian. Made with the plentiful leftovers from an actual Neophyte kit, some human Blood Bowl players and some Cadians. A bit of clipping and a little greenstuff was needed to fix the joints between the GSC torsos and legs from other kits.

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Brother Alvit, Medic Specialist Neophyte with with shotgun
(I have done more work on this model since taking the photos - I will replace them with new pics soon)

Brother Ferrar, Neophyte with autogun

Brother Tarax, Neophyte with autopistol and chainsword

Brother Medak, Neophyte with mining laser

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The Order of the Guardian so far:

There are a couple of familiars, 2 more Acolytes and a few extra infected gangers on the way.